    Azure Certification Getting Updated Soon
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    Azure Certification Getting Updated Soon

    Shubham Mehta | Feb 04, 2020 | 864 Views | 0 Comments
    Azure Certification Getting Updated Soon

    Microsoft is back with its annual Job Task Analysis (JTA). JTA is a process used for defining the knowledge skills and abilities of the people taking up Azure Certification that can be critical in a job role. It is the only element that is common amongst all kinds of certification, however, the factors considered for modifying certifications will not be the same. With JTA certification providers like Microsoft for Azure, in this case, aims at ensuring that the certification you are taking up is technically accurate, assess the right risks and most importantly are relevant.

    This further equips professionals who are taking up Azure certification in spotting exactly where will this certification make an impact in your skillset. It also looks at the aspect of on what ground will your credibility would be assessed once you have attained the certification. This will not only facilitate in sharing a cohesive certification story but will also allow in streamlining your certification journey.

    Microsoft aims at improving the overall assessment and their certification experience with some basic knowledge of how will the coming changes give the Azure a holistic view on the way. Where the assessment team at Microsoft is taking out the time and making efforts to identify:-

    • What is the right skill one would gain from a given course.
    • What are the factors should they be assessing while someone is busy taking up a certification.

    These two points broadly aims at portraying and designing a coherent portfolio for the certifications offered by Microsoft without duplicating any skills while increasing its role for a job designation.

    The changes that are to come would tentatively come in all the certification for Azure, Data & AI. Where these certifications will be relaunched with a new name and code to it and as bets exams. This is being done by Microsoft to facilitate professionals to have a choice whether to continue with the old module or with the updated versions. This is actually a necessary update because this will be directly inclined towards ones job role especially in terms of knowing which profile suits them.

    Thankfully the name of the courses will remain just as they are no matter which Azure Certification you had taken up previously. However, the certification will do reflect the skills that you possess on your badge that was covered in that exam. Professionals who have taken up the previous versions their skills would be valid, however, the role that will be offered to you would be dependant upon the skills that are reflected on your badge.

    Microsoft is at present finalizing the updates for Azure Administrator, Developer, Architect, and AI Engineer which will be launched in the coming few months. Now the interesting thing is post the launch of these courses will suspend the old versions of courses of these certifications after 30 days. This update will happen in the following courses:-

    • AZ-203 becomes AZ-204 (this update will be published in late February)
    • AZ-103 becomes AZ-104 (this update will be published in March)
    • AZ-300 becomes AZ-303 (this update will be published in March)
    • AZ-301 becomes AZ-304 (this update will be published in March)
    • AI-100 becomes AI-102 (this update will be published in March)

    Note: This list will be added with furthermore courses. So stay tuned with the upcoming updates.

    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
    Tags : microsoft azure changes, microsoft azure certification changes soon, azure certification changes 2021, microsoft course changes , tech news , technology, tech updates, microsoft azure training

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