    5 Reasons of opting for Azure-900 certification
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    5 Reasons of opting for Azure-900 certification

    Esha Banerjee | Jun 08, 2022 | 3209 Views | 0 Comments
    5 Reasons of opting for Azure-900 certification

    Professionals will have no trouble deciding what they want to accomplish with their careers thanks to Microsoft"s career-based certifications. Instead, with the support of these role-based credentials, they may now easily set up their professional ambitions. If you"re just getting started with Azure, the best place to start is with Azure Fundamentals. After passing the AZ-900 test, you will receive this elementary certification.

    Whether you"re new to the industry or looking to make a career change, you"ll need a solid foundation in Azure. And you can acquire it by studying for the Microsoft AZ-900 exam and passing it. On the other hand, an entry-level exam isn"t something you can study for in a single night.

    This certification is crucial since it establishes the foundation of your Azure expertise. It establishes and verifies your understanding of key cloud concepts, Azure services, support, pricing, and other issues. As a result, you"ll need to study harder and double-check that you"ve covered everything.

    Exam Topics for the AZ-900 Exam

    • Explain cloud principles (20-25 percent )
    • Highlight the key Azure services (15-20 percent )
    • Describe Azure"s primary solutions and management tools (10-15 percent )
    • Identify the characteristics of general security and network security (10-15 percent )
    • Describe the features of identification, governance, privacy, and compliance (20-25 percent )
    • Analyze how to control Azure costs and Service Level Agreements (10-15 percent )

    How Beneficial is Microsoft Azure certification? 

    1. Confirms your Azure Subjects ownership

    There are a number of benefits of Azure certification. By passing the AZ-900 test, you have proven that you have a thorough understanding of the key Azure topics. You are now an accomplished Azure expert who understands how to prepare for challenging yet critical topics.

    You already know the importance of cloud services, the differences between IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, the value of Azure network connectivity, architectural security, and much more thanks to this Microsoft accreditation.

    2. AZ-900 Certification Enhances Your Professional Credibility

    You"ve tried everything to land your dream job or get that promotion, but nothing has worked out. Getting a Microsoft Azure AZ-900 certification is a better use of your money, time, and effort. Prepare for the exam Microsoft AZ-900, which is required, and watch as hiring managers fall in love with your resume.

    Indeed, this qualification attests to your efficiency and effectiveness as a professional, which is highly valued by businesses. So, if you want to add credibility to your professional career, passing the exam will provide you with a slew of advantages.

    Which Azure certification is best to land on your dream job?  

    3. Provides access to Associate-Level Certification

    It"s highly recommended that you arm yourself with basic knowledge before diving into associate certificates. You won"t have any trouble dealing with more complex topics and concerns in this manner. The Microsoft AZ-900 certification in Microsoft Azure Fundamentals qualifies you for advanced and expert-level certifications. 

    4. Provides Outstanding Paychecks

    Did you know that obtaining a Microsoft certification can help you increase your earning potential? When you apply for a job, hiring managers will look at your certifications as well as your work experience. A role-based Azure certificate in your profile also indicates your professionalism.

    5. It grants you access to Microsoft"s online community.

    The Microsoft AZ-900 exam introduces you to the world of Azure professionals, who have a similar career path to you. You will gain valuable information and skills, as well as become a member of the Microsoft community if you pass this foundational exam. Isn"t it an honor to be referred to as a Microsoft-certified professional?


    Because Microsoft"s certification program is continuously changing, it"s advisable to start with the basic certification. The Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification is for anyone looking to test the waters in the Azure domain.

    So, using Microsoft AZ-900, you may confirm your fundamental understanding of cloud service!

    I Want to know more about AZ-900T01-A: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Course?  
    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
    Tags : azure fundamentals, Microsoft azure certification, azure az-900

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