    CISSP Certification Is Equivalent to Masters Degree Now
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    CISSP Certification Is Equivalent to Masters Degree Now

    Shubham Mehta | May 19, 2020 | 5856 Views | 0 Comments
    CISSP Certification Is Equivalent to Masters Degree Now

    On 13th May 2020 (ISC)² announced that CISSP certification has been formally recognized as equivalent to the U.K.’s Master’s degree. In other words that (ISC)² has shared that the CISSP certification has been equivalent to the standards of a Master’s degree. This, in fact, also validates the ability of countless certified CISSP professionals who are part of many organizations.

    UK"s NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centre) had conducted the benchmarking for CISSP. NARIC facilitates information and expert guidance on academic, vocational, and professional qualifications from across the globe. NARIC had conducted an in-depth analysis of CISSP for credential evaluation where they looked into the core qualification component, skills assessment procedure, and candidate"s computer adaptive test (CAT) examination to the RQF. RQF is the U.K.’s Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) that categorizes qualifications depending on the scope, and the level of difficulties.

    As per the analysis, NARIC concluded that the qualification assessment of knowledge and skills was as good as UK"s RQF Level 7 (Master’s Degree, Postgraduate Certificate, and Diploma). This consisted of understanding and application of skills including problem-solving and decision-making in the organization, cybersecurity knowledge, awareness and usage of industrial standards, policy, and best practice, along with understanding and appropriate use of methodologies, techniques, and training in relation to cybersecurity.

    NARIC used RQF to compare the CISSP Certification with a Master’s degree for credential evaluation. NARIC also examined the assessed skill set, core qualification components, and other suitable reference points.

    Thus, CISSP certification was found equivalent to a Masters’s degree. Where NARIC"s analysis stated that CISSP certification enables certification holders to understand how their qualification is equal to the UK"s education system as per the RQF. Join CISSP certification training now!

    Offered by (ISC)² , CISSP certification creates a portfolio of credentials having a holistic, pragmatic approach to security. (ISC)² has over 150,000 members who have a strong presence in the industry and are helping it to enhance. With their modus operandi (ISC)² aims at enabling professionals who are certified in CISSP to be globally recognized.

    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
    Tags : CISSP, CISSP Certification Online, CISSP Online Training

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