    10 Hidden Truths that You Must Know to Crack PMP Exam
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    10 Hidden Truths that You Must Know to Crack PMP Exam

    Devarpita Pathak | Jun 06, 2019 | 4258 Views | 0 Comments
    10 Hidden Truths that You Must Know to Crack PMP Exam

    Before to embark upon your journey of attaining PMP certification exam, we must go through some research and learn the best tricks and tips that many successful people have tread in order to attain their credential. There are certain secrets that we would discover in a while in this write-up which is quite a revelation for those who are trying to pass the PMP. These hidden truths come handy when you look for help to clear the time-consuming and difficult job of passing the PMP exam.

    This is a report that has been prepared upon thorough observation performed on 25000 students who are preparing for the PMP exam. There are certain hidden tips and tricks which when or if performed make your job much easier or simplified for passing the PMP exam. However, these tricks can make your work much easier but still, there is no other way but to work hard and stay focused.

    Let us now see the hidden truths to pass PMP exam one by one:

    10 Hidden Truths that You Must Know to Crack PMP Exam

    Hidden Truth #1: Know about the PMP Exam. Read the PMP Credential Handbook.

    You need to know about the process of taking the PMP exam thoroughly before you even begin your preparation. Knowledge is the key here. The first step is all to read the PMP Credential handbook which is easily available on PMI’s website. The truth is when you know or have the knowledge of something, you have questions cropping-up during your preparation process, without getting to know the authentic place to look for an answer. PMP Handbook has all the answers already!

    Hidden Truth #2: Check If you are eligible even before you aim for it!

    There would be acquaintances online or offline wherein someone has qualified or attained the credential and actually they are not even qualified. The truth is PMP exam has a rigorous and pertinent eligibility requirement. So, don"t go by words, figure it out yourself. Don"t be someone who is wasting time on the application when actually they are not even eligible to take the certification exam. Instead, you must focus on what you can pursue in order to become eligible.

    Eligibility Criteria:

    You need to have at least 35 contact hours of Project Management Education relating to the knowledge areas of A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).
    You need a minimum of 3 years/ 36 months unique non-overlapping professional project management experience during which at least 4500 hours must be spent in leading and directing project tasks (bachelor’s degree or equivalent is a boon)
    a minimum of five years/60 months unique non-overlapping professional project management experience is required, during which at least 7,500 hours were spent leading and directing project tasks (if you do not have a bachelor"s degree or equivalent).
    In both these cases, the hours must have been accrued within the last eight years since the time of your application.
    Also, keep in mind that you have attained at least training certificate that validates 35 contact hours requirement.

    Hidden Truth #3: Becoming a member of PMI saves your Money!

    You may or may not take the membership to attain PMP certification; however, the truth is becoming a member give you discounts more than the membership fee. You receive a free PMBOK Guide and there are other substantial discounts on the PMP exam, so the trick here is even if you don’t want to stay a PMI member for life you can still take the first year membership.
    Join the local PMI Chapter as it offers you PMP Prep workshops and discounts. Also, a member you will get discounts in seminars, conferences, and other publications, products and tools.

    Hidden Truth #4: Plan, strategize and work hard, there is no escape or shortcuts!

    The hidden secret is no matter whoever promises you what, there is no escape to hard work and focus. Studying to pass PMP exam is a serious endeavour and require dedication. Manage and plan according to the hours you need to put in for preparation, for each day and sample papers and mock sessions you want to sit for. Keep sometime scope for downtime also.
    PMBOK Guide is not entirely easy to read, you may get sections which are more difficult. However, there is nothing to worry about, you can pass the exam with the right preparation and focus.
    Take PMP exam prep training from us. Check the upcoming PMP training batch details here.

    Hidden Truth #5: Keeping a time-bound goal deliver better results!

    Plan and hope are one thing, but when it comes to making your dreams come true you need to have a plan (and that’s our hidden truth #5). You need to strategize and have clear objectives for your study as per the time. Always make short-term goals and keep deadlines as we plan and prepare a lot better when we have a deadline in place.
    There are other steps that we must follow as well to fulfill the exam certification requirement, such as completion of your PMP credential application online and apply on the Prometric website. Schedule your exam as per your preferred date and location. Try to schedule the test at least six weeks in advance.

    Hidden Truth #6: The Bible of PMP - PMBOK® Guide has all the answers.

    One of the biggest truths is that, while preparing to take the PMP exam one must study various reference books; however, must not forget abt the PMBOK Guide. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge -PMBOK® Guide has 75% of the questions that will come in the PMP exam.
    You need to read it thoroughly, to understand the concepts presented. It is the industry standard reference text so kindly make sure that you read it completely. You may need other tools as well such as - Project Management PrepCast and others.

    Hidden Truth #7: You need good preparation & Hands-on with real-life scenarios.

    Now, as we know that PMBOK Guide is an essential read to pass PMP exam; however, 25% of the questions will be based on material that is not covered in the Guide. These are the questions that you need to answer based on your workshops and other interactive and engaging training and study hours.

    Hidden Truth #8: Group Study & Socializing with like-minded professionals boost motivation & knowledge.

    Studying with others is another big factor in improving your way up to attaining PMP exam certification. While self-study is an important step; however, studying with others who are part of this community increases your understanding of concepts in a better manner. PMI workshops and webinars can really increase our understanding and other classroom-based webinars conducted by PMI chapters helps a lot in your learning.
    The main benefit is that students and instructor interaction is pertinent to understand particularly the difficult sections. The doubts clearing sessions from the trainer goes a long way.

    Hidden Truth #9: Practicing from Sample Questions, Mock tests and Exam Simulators impart Confidence.

    Preparing and solving the sample papers offer the best confidence while preparing for the PMP exam (no matter how long you are studying for and that"s one of the biggest truths!). So, practicing and giving mock test preferably Live is pertinent in order to mitigate your last day jitters. As you go through the sets of 200 questions in 4 hours you will get used to it and it will become your new sport. You will get to answer the exam and also disagree with the suggested answer.

    Hidden Truth #10: Relax, sleep, you have prepared much. Just pack & take the tutorial.

    After you have done all the hard work and now ready to face the D-day challenges, it is always better to take rest and a good night’s sleep before the exam. Giving the exam right after a refreshing sleep imparts more efficiency to your performance. The brain works well and the mind supports the temperament. Check out the testing center so that you know the way to the center and make sure you pack everything you need including earplugs as a backup. forget to take the tutorial during the exam.
    PMP Exam is a tricky one and study require both amalgamations of practical concepts and understanding, so make sure you are well aware of everything that you are going to face and give your best shot. Taking PMP exam prep training is pertinent to showcase your 35 study hours eligibility and attain hands-on skills, clear concepts, discuss with trainers and socialize and make sure you have left no stone unturned in its pursuit. All the best!

    PMP Exam is a tricky one and study require both amalgamations of practical concepts and understanding, so make sure you are well aware of everything that you are going to face and give your best shot. Taking PMP exam prep training is pertinent to showcase your 35 study hours eligibility and attain hands-on skills, clear concepts, discuss with trainers and socialize and make sure you have left no stone unturned in its pursuit. All the best!

    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
    Tags : PMP, PMP Exam, PMP Certification, PMP Training, PMP Course, PMP Certification Benefits, PMP Training online, Live Vertual Online Training, PMP Certification in Gurgaon, PMP Certification Bangalore, PMP Certification hidden future, Project Management Professional, Project Management,

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