    How to learn Ethical Hacking in 2022
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    How to learn Ethical Hacking in 2022

    Jahanvi Manchanda | Mar 23, 2021 | 1536 Views | 0 Comments
    How to learn Ethical Hacking in 2022

    With the whole world being affected by a pandemic and being under a lockdown. Everything was digitized and work and study from home became a new normal. With all this, there was a rise in cybercrimes like malware, phishing, hacking and other attacks. A person interested in hacking always wonders “how to learn ethical hacking” and “ethical hacking for beginners”

    Every industry around the world at least once becomes prey to some very intelligent hackers. From presidents to billionaires, governments and hospitals all are affected by this. With growing technology and advancement employing an ethical hacker has become the need of the hour.

    Ethical hackers are people who get to hack but ethically and legally and keeping their moral compass intact and being far away from the eyes of justice.

    What do Ethical Hackers do?

    Ethical hackers are responsible for identifying any loose ends in the security system of the company that can be easily hacked by a malicious hacker. Such vulnerabilities can be found in improper system configuration and hardware or software flaws.

    Companies and organizations hire ethical hackers to improve their system security and avoid the possibility of mishaps in the company.

    Who should learn Ethical Hacking

    All those interested in hacking always wonder “who should learn ethical hacking” we got you covered.

    • Information Security Analyst /Administrator
    • Information Assurance (IA) Security Officer
    • Information Security Manager/ Specialist
    • Information Systems Security Engineer / Manager
    • Information Security Professionals / Officers
    • Information Security / IT Auditors
    • Risk / Threat/Vulnerability Analyst
    • System Administrators
    • Network Administrators and Engineers

    Prerequisites for an ethical hacking course

    • Wondering how to learn ethical hacking these are the prerequisites required for beginners or advanced ethical hacking
    • Having a basic knowledge of programs is always preferred though not important
    • Must know the basics of networking
    • Must know the basics of languages
    • Get yourself familiarized with commands of Linux

    Skills required in ethical hacking

    The best way to learn complete ethical hacking course beginners to advance is that you need to become a jack of all these traits: -

    • Computer skill : This might sound basic but computer skills don’t mean basic computer operations but advanced skills like the ability to use shortcuts. An ethical hacker must have complete command over software.

    • Programming skills : To become an ethical hacker you must have basic knowledge of languages like Python, SQL, C, C++, or Perl.

    • Database Management System (DBMS) : DataBase is the storage place of all the company’s important and confidential information. Access to a Database can be a huge threat to the company. Knowledge and understanding of DBMS is an important skill for any ethical hacker.

    • Web applications : Web application is the breeding ground for any malicious hacker as these are the software that users access on their internet through their web browsers.

    Reasons to become Ethical Hacker


    For anyone learning complete ethical hacking course beginner to advance gets to enjoy these benefits as an ethical hacker

    • High paying salaries
    • Since ethical hacking is the need of the hour companies are willing to pay high salaries to their hackers, and who doesn’t want big bucks?
    • The need of the hour
    • With the world being completely digital and all the confidential information of companies on the internet, hiring an ethical hacker to protect this information has become the need of the hour.
    • Threats are never going to go away
    • With the advancement of technology and digitization, the threat of hacking is never going to go away.
    • Opportunity to legally hack
    • If you are a technology geek you have always wanted to hack but stopped as it is illegal. You will get to LEGALLY hack with this job.
    • Cool job role
    • Last but not least you will have a cool title and you will hack as your day job

      Best Ethical hacking course online

      The best way to learn ethical hacking is through an online course. With the whole world being under lockdown, everything going online even education, there are numerous short courses for any professional or student to enhance their knowledge and portfolio.

      The best Ethical Hacking Course online is Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Version 11. CEH is a well-accredited course and opens up great opportunities for your future. Mercury solutions limited provides this course.

      Want to know more about Ethical Hacking Training Course?

      Where to learn ethical hacking?

      The first question that pops in the mind of anyone interested in learning ethical hacking is where to learn ethical hacking.
      We here at Mercury Solutions Limited provide the best way to learn ethical hacking, online. We believe in never compromising on quality - standards. Our quality training is validated by our elite clientele. The courses here are objective-based and believe in providing hands-on learning experience and real-life industry-based scenarios.

      Mercury solutions have certified trainers, prestigious learning partnerships, accredited courses, conducive learning environments, and flexible training options.

      What is CEH Version 11 and why it is the best ethical hacking course online?

      Certified Ethical Hacker Version 11, Demanded by employers and respected by Peers.

      CEH is the most accredited course for anyone interested in pursuing a career as an ethical hacker. CEH V11 teaches all the advanced tools and skills required by any ethical hacker.

      The original core mission of CEH remains valid and relevant today is “To beat a hacker, you must think like a hacker.”

      The course also provides an in-depth knowledge of a cyber attack, the vulnerabilities and the countermeasures required to protect a system from being hacked, and how to identify any loose ends.

      Syllabus for ethical hacking

      • Laws and standards, information security controls the basics of ethical hacking
      • Tools to create a pre attacking, footprinting and reconnaissance using the latest technologies
      • Network scanning techniques and scanning countermeasure
      • The vulnerability of the security system and how to identify loose ends in the system
      • System hacking methodology
      • Different types of malware
      • Cryptography ciphers
      • Cloud computing concepts

      Importance of CEH certification

      An ethical hacker has become the need of the hour and the competition in this field has risen. Having a CEH certification increases your credibility and chances of getting a better and a high-paying job as compared to your peers.

      Is it easy to learn Ethical Hacking?

      If you are fond of hacking and wish to pursue your career as a hacker but do it legally and not become a criminal in the eyes of justice. Do you also wish to learn languages but not your average french and german but languages like Python or JAVA and do you love to learn to program? then an ethical hacker is a perfect job for you.
      Passion is never difficult, all you need is :

      • Interest in ethical hacking
      • Interest in learning computer systems
      • Interest in learning computer languages like JAVA, Python, C, and C++

      How long does it take to learn ethical hacking?

      Ethical Hacking is an extensive field and it takes about 2 years to master the skills. The Certified Ethical Hacking Course takes about 5 days to complete. If you are a fast learner, inquisitive and hardworking you will be able to master the skill set in about 18 months.

      In conclusion

      If your interest lies in learning about new technologies, software, hacking, and if you are the kind of person who loves and lives for computers and IT and loves hacking but is scared of doing something illegal, and wonder how to learn ethical hacking. Do the CEH Version 11 course and have a job with the coolest title and earn big bucks and work with big folks like the government and major organizations.

    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
    Tags : how to learn ethical hacking, ethical hacking for beginners, best way to learn ethical hacking, best ethical hacking course online, complete ethical hacking course beginners to advance

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