    10 Interesting facts About Software Development Every Geek Must know!
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    10 Interesting facts About Software Development Every Geek Must know!

    Devarpita Pathak | Apr 15, 2019 | 5675 Views | 0 Comments
    10 Interesting facts About Software Development Every Geek  Must know!

    Software Development is in a state of constant evolution, adapting to the industry change, scientific and technical developments.
    In the same manner, programmers also change and adapt in a unique manner and in unusual ways to continue to bring enhancements and add- on in doing what we love.

    Here are few interesting facts about software development:


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    To conclude, these facts only serve as common knowledge to inspire, to work as icebreakers or just to amuse tech professionals.
    The take is that the tech industry is full of exciting new stuff and if you have the right aptitude sky is the limit for any programmer or tech professional. This is just to convey that tech guys are fun loving and interesting people and you need not be all technical every time. Programmers and other tech- professionals always break the conventional paradigms and adapt to new trends better than others.
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