    Is it worth getting CISM training?
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    Is it worth getting CISM training?

    Samarth Garg | Dec 13, 2021 | 2381 Views | 0 Comments
    Is it worth getting CISM training?

    CISM certification training course, short for Certified Information Security Manager. It is certified by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). It is accreditation of cyber security. The industry is called Information Security.

    In October 1969, a group of seven signed the papers, forming what they called the Electronic Data Processing Auditors Association (EDPAA), which later became ISACA. Clifford W. Perkins, E. Rae Shaw, Parker G. Seaman, G. Eric McAllister, Eugene (Gene) M. Frank and Dalton W. Davis and Stuart Tyrnauer.

    Below are points about the brief points about the CISM certification course, exam, and stuff related to it:

    • 4 domains in the syllabus
    • 5 years of work experience in either of the above required
    • 150 MCQs to be completed in 240 minutes during the exam
    • $575- for members, $760- for non-members is the exam fee

    In case you’re wondering how often the CISM certification course is gets updated, well, the answer is every 5 years or whenever an update is deemed necessary. The latest one is in use since 2017. To be precise over 2012-2016, Information Risk Management saw a 3% drop in focus, Information Security Program Development and Information Security Incident Management increased by 1%. Domain 2 didn’t see an increase in knowledge statements.

    As per a CISM certified professional, the exam focuses on the philosophy of ‘Apply, Analyze and Evaluate’. It tests you on, ‘which is the better decision’ and not ‘which is the best technology’. You may also be tested on, your next course of action instead of asking you for an immediate fix to a problem. Those who’ve given and cleared CISSP would find similarities here.

    Exam scores for CISM certification training don’t follow your usual pattern. Here, the minimum 200 means fail. 800 is the maximum you can score. If you score anything above 450, consider your exam cleared. The score is reflective of the questions answered correctly, irrespective of the domains. Details of the score tell you your strengths and weaknesses in the course.

    Next up, we shall find tell you in some detail about 2 of the 4 domains, including the topics covered. While we encourage you to credibly research, but in case your schedule doesn’t permit, don’t worry, during your CISM certification training our reputed trainers shall tell you about the other 2, and more about the first 2, apart from what you’re reading here.

    Domain 1 – Information Security Governance
    Goal: To ensure that the information security strategy is aligned with organizational goals and objectives and establish and/or maintain an information security governance framework and supporting processes.
    • Introduction to Information Security Governance
    • Effective Information Security Governance
    • Governance and Third-Party Relationships
    • Information Security Metrics
    • Information Security Governance Metrics
    • Information Security Strategy
    • Information Security Strategy Development
    • Strategy Resources and Constraints
    • Other Frameworks
    • Compliances
    • Action Plans to Implement Strategy
    • Governance of Enterprise IT
    • Security Metrics, which involves the description of how a quantitative and periodic assessment of security performance is to be effectively measured. Strategy Resources, candidates will need to know the two security frameworks of Zachman and SABSA.

    Zachman is the fundamental framework for enterprise architecture.

    Columns of Zachman Framework:

    The columns represent the interrogatives or questions that are asked of the enterprise. These are:

    • What (data) - what is the business data, information, or objects?
    • How (function) - how does the business work, i.e., what are the business processes?
    • Where (network) - where are the businesses operations?
    • Who (people) - who are the people that run the business, what are the business units and their hierarchy?
    • When (time) - when are the business processes performed, i.e., what are the business schedules and workflows?
    • Why (motivation) - why is the solution the one chosen? How was that derived from? What motivates the performance of certain activities?

    Rows of Zachman Framework

    Each row represents a distinct view of the organization, from the perspective of different stakeholders. These are ordered in the desired priority sequence. A row is allocated to each of the following stakeholders:

    • Planner`s View (Scope Contexts) - This view describes the business purpose and strategy, which defines the playing field for the other views. It serves as the context within which the other views will be derived and managed.
    • Owner`s View (Business Concepts) - This is a description of the organization within which the information system must function. Analyzing this view reveals which parts of the enterprise can be automated.
    • Designer`s View (System Logic) - This view outlines how the system will satisfy the organization`s information needs. The representation is free from solution-specific aspects or production-specific constraints.
    • Implementer`s View (Technology Physics) - This is a representation of how the system will be implemented. It makes specific solutions and technologies apparent and addresses production constraints.
    • Sub-Constructor`s View (Component Assembles) - These representations illustrate the implementation-specific details of certain system elements: parts that need further clarification before production can begin. This view is less architecturally significant than the others because it is more concerned with a part of the system than with the whole.
    • User`s View (Operations Classes) - This is a view of the functioning system in its operational environment.

    ISACA focuses on Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture or SABSA methodology. It is recommended to be prepared for that. SABSA is a proven methodology for developing business-driven, risk and opportunity-focused Security Architectures at both enterprise and solutions levels that traceably support business objectives. It has a series of integrated frameworks, models, methods, processes, components, starting with the top:

    • Contextual Security Architecture
    • Conceptual Security Architecture
    • Logical Security Architecture
    • Physical Security Architecture
    • Component Security Architecture

    Domain 2 – Information Risk Management and Compliance
    Goal: To meet the organizational goals and objectives to manage information risk on acceptable levels.
    • Information Risk Management
    • Risk Management Overview
    • Risk Assessment
    • Information Asset Classification
    • Assessment Management
    • Information Resource Valuation
    • Recovery Time Objectives
    • Security Control Baselines
    • Risk Monitoring
    • Training and Awareness
    • Information Risk Management Documentation

    As a CISM training certified professional, you are expected to be fluent in knowing recovery time objective (RTO), recovery point objective (RPO), service delivery Objectives (SDOs) and acceptable interruption window (AIW), Information Response System [IRM] of your employer’ security system.

    Interestingly, IRM has 9 task statements apart from the knowledge statements above.

    Domain 3 – Information Security Program Development and Management
    Goal: Aligning to information security strategy and business goals, thereby supporting an effective security posture & developing and maintaining an information security program that identifies, manages, and protects the organization’s assets.
    • Information Security Program Management Overview
    • Information Security Program Objectives
    • Information Security Program Concepts
    • Information Security Program Technology Resources
    • Information Security Program Development
    • Information Security Program Framework
    • Information Security Program Roadmap
    • Enterprise Information Security Architecture (EISA)
    • Security Program Management and Administration
    • Security Program Services and Operational Activities
    • Controls
    • Security Program Metrics and Monitoring
    • Measuring Operational Performance
    • Common Information Security Program Challenges

    Small things come in handy, such as keeping a risk registry or a controls registry, as well as records on an annual statement given to management detailing the current state of risk at the organization. This one has 10 task statements.

    Domain 4 – Information Security Incident Management
    Goal: Recover from information security incidents to minimize business impact & plan, establish, and manage the capability to detect, investigate, respond to them.
    • Incident Management Overview
    • Incident Management Procedures
    • Incident Management Resources
    • Incident Management Objectives
    • Incident Management Metrics and Indicators
    • Defining Incident Management Procedures
    • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Procedures
    • Post Incident Activities and Investigation
    • ISACA Code of Professional Ethics
    • Laws and Regulations
    • Policy Versus Law Within an Organization
    • Ethics and the Internet IAB
    • Certified Information Security Manager

    Network incident detection systems (NIDS), Host intrusion detection systems (HIDSs), and logs (for a system, database, operating system, or application.) SIEM (system information and event management) is a way of managing the HIDSs, NIDSs, and logs. The concluding one also has 10 task statements.

    Benefits of this course:

    CISM certification course specialists can help firms with planting security programs, analyzing hazardous reports. Chiefs can also be helped with utilization of various instruments. CISM training also provides alumni with ISACA membership, which unlocks a wide variety of professionals, who can be called upon in times of crisis, or celebrations. You can be trusted to securely implement a governance and security program. People with this accreditation also work as developers, risk analysts, chief analysts.

    In a significant development, the 158,000 members strong certifying agency of cyberspace courses such as CISSP, SSCP, CCSP, CAP, CCSLP, and HSCISP, (ISC)² is working on a new entry-level certification for entry-level people.

    In conclusion, people are interested in knowing about their chances of clearing this exam. With Mercury Solutions Limited, these are 90-95%, the overall being only 55-60%. Here are other reasons for doing this course from us:

    • In the industry for more than 21 years
    • Guidance by trainers with more than 10 years of experience
    • 10,60,000 hours of training delivered
    • Recorded sessions available
    • Trust of more than 40,000+ professionals

    For these benefits, Mercury Solutions Limited: Get CISM Certification Training to crack the CISM exam – Mercury is a recommended place to get accredited.

    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
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