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In today’s time while we are up against a global crisis and most professionals are working remotely from home. That is where patch management will not go as smoothly & easily as it may seem. Considering this Microsoft released its latest batch of software security updates for all supported versions of its Windows. This update supports all operating systems and other products that patch 113 new security vulnerabilities, 96 of which are important in severity and 17 of them are critical.
Now the interesting fact is that there have been 4 security flaws in this recent update that Microsoft has just released. These include:-
There have been some more bugs with Microsoft that were discovered this month. It has been seen that there is an important elevation of privilege vulnerability (CVE-2020-0935) which is found in OneDrive of Windows desktop.
There is another flaw that s being caused by CVE-2020-0910 and is now taken up as a critical and affects Windows Hyper-V. This allows a guest virtual machine that has the ability to compromise hypervisor escaping from a guest virtual machine (VM)to the host or may escape from one guest VM to another guest VM.
Apart from the critical flaws Microsoft patched this month affect Chakra scripting engine, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business, graphic components, codecs library media foundation and VBScript where all these are led to a remote code executed attack.
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