    Multi-Cloud Computing! Is it the Next Step in Cloud?
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    Multi-Cloud Computing! Is it the Next Step in Cloud?

    Asha Devi N D | Jan 29, 2018 | 2160 Views | 0 Comments
    Multi-Cloud Computing! Is it the Next Step in Cloud?

    It is acknowledged easily that the development and production data must be kept separate. In this context, having multiple clouds of data is more significant to prioritize security and information. Besides that, you are able to assign multi-level access controls and benefit from the different clouds.

    Mention not to say, you get organizational resilience and agility.

    Multi-Cloud Computing: The Terminology Meaning

    Literally, the term multi means - many; i.e. Multi-Cloud refers to use of more than a single cloud.

    The enterprises are able to use varied cloud service providers for software services [SaaS] or the infrastructure services [IaaS].

    This kind of usage arose as a necessity to choose specific services from the public cloud service providers to avail the best of each, gain all the benefits, avoid dependency on a private or a single cloud service provider.  

    Getting started with Multi-Cloud Trend:

    Firstly, use of cloud came into the scenario.

    Most of the organizations had the vision to place their workloads on the cloud [either private or the public], wherein the hybrid cloud architecture stepped into as an attractive option as the enterprises were left with choices.

    The compelling cloud platforms developed by Microsoft and the Google formed the best alternative to Amazon Web Services and the Enterprises readily wanted to take the choice. The other service providers like the IBM, Oracle, or the HP Enterprise also started to have their footprints in the cloud computing.

    As all these were viable public cloud options, the enterprises started benefitting from these service providers and began to mix them. They adopted them as formal architectural processes and also the “shadow IT” wherein certain groups of the company used the public cloud without the knowledge of others in the IT. The shadow IT made them pick different public clouds spontaneously.

    Whatever, the trend may be, today, most of the enterprises are managing the multi-cloud infrastructure.

    • The enterprises are managing the multiple clouds as if they are a single cloud with the help of cloud management platforms [CMPs] or the cloud service brokers [CSBs] tools.

    In brief, the IT organizations are able to optimize a coordinated mix of cloud-based technologies. The departments and the user communities as well are able to adapt well to the next-generation applications and workloads gaining flexibility.

    For instance: the e-commerce digital business uses one cloud to tune maximum scalability and another cloud to use harness the large pools of storage.

    Multi-cloud computing allows a business to choose the most appropriate location to deliver their apps from or consume them as a service. I see many Enterprises opt for a primary cloud provider initially but with an eye on not getting locked in, contractually, technically or via skills. Having the tools that allow you consume multi-cloud is often an afterthought once a level of cloud adoption has been reached. (Often DevOps are in the cloud already and IT playing catch up).  It needs to be part of the initial planning IMHO. Then the big challenge is delivering end to end services across multiple clouds without creating silos. (Governance, Performance, Compliance, Security, Analytics.....), says

    Roger Dickinson, Technical Solutions Architect at Cisco.


    IDC predicts that over 85% of enterprise IT organizations will commit to multi-cloud architectures by 2018, according to its Worldwide Cloud 2017 Predictions research.

    Another survey by RightScale found enterprises running an average of 1.8 public clouds and 2.3 private clouds, an indicator that multi-cloud strategies are quickly gaining traction.

    Factors that promote the use of Multi-Cloud Computing:


    • It is recommended to adopt multi-cloud for your organization, as you will be able to globalize the support. For instance, you may allow one server in the US and the other one in India. Several people at a various time and geographical zone are able to access the data. In case of private cloud, the access is limited to people.
    • Another added advantage of multi-cloud adoption is business continuity. The business keeps going on even if there is only production or the development. Adaptability to round the clock support across the organization is easily achieved by multi-cloud.
    • The IT organizations are able to mitigate the error-prone manual processes and deliver a self-service user experience.
    • Multi-cloud is cost-effective owing to competition. The service providers are eager to deliver services and lessen the cost. You can pay as you use. This form of payment is very much beneficial for allotting budget as necessary.  
    • It could be started at the day zero. That is immediately the service could be started. In case of other services, a few service providers may delay in providing the service, but with multi-cloud, one may start the services instantaneously.
    • It is used as the organizational differentiator. It attracts more consumers and partnerships owing to trust and speedy services they are able to provide with multi-cloud adoption.
    • Distributed Denial of Service [DDoS] attack owing to the use of the server by several computer systems is common for the website owners. The attacks may be executed by anyone like the individual hijacker or others. When a website is on a single cloud, the website easily gets disrupted.
    • When multi-cloud is used, the company may resume the activities as usual with the help of other service and thus multi-cloud is resilient.
    • The organizations are poised with choices so that they can play in the field by exploring different vendors and match each part of their business to specific service providers rather than fitting into one system of service setup.
    • Multiple technologies could be used like the use of Windows, Linux, and open source independently.
    • The organization is able to avoid vendor lock-in system. When you fit in the business with a single cloud vendor and there comes a need to switch over, it is indeed a problem for the transit costing time and restructures of agreements. This can be readily avoided with the multi-cloud system.


    It goes without any doubt, that multi-cloud is nothing but the collection of best of expectations and gift for every level of the enterprise. Indeed, when you have the option to choose the best services for best performance of the organization, there is no doubt if it takes the lead in the upcoming days.

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    Tags : Multi-Cloud Computing, What is Multi-Cloud

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