    New vulnerabilities in devices causing a hack
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    New vulnerabilities in devices causing a hack

    Shubham Mehta | Mar 04, 2020 | 814 Views | 0 Comments
    New vulnerabilities in devices causing a hack

    In recent research, cybersecurity researchers shared that hardware vulnerabilities are a major reason for cyber attacks. This is typically been happening because of the widely-used Wi-Fi chips manufactured by Broadcom and Cypress. Lately, this has acted up against a billion devices that include tablets, routers, smartphones, laptops, and IoT gadgets.

    Dubbed ’Kr00k’ and tracked as CVE-2019-15126, are the reasons for recent attacks. This code could allow remote attackers in intercepting and decrypting wireless network packets transmit by exploiting a vulnerable device. This means that the attacker didn’t need to stay connected to the victims’ wireless network for the flaws work against.


    • Vulnerabilities do not lie in the Wi-Fi encryption protocol; instead, it available in the chips implementing the encryption. This doesn’t let attackers connect to your Wi-Fi network and launch further man-in-the-middle attacks or exploitation against other connected devices.
    • Devices vulnerabilities doesn’t let attackers know your Wi-Fi password, thus changing it wouldn’t help you patch the issue. It doesn’t affect modern devices using WPA3 protocol, the latest Wi-Fi security standard.
    • This means it allows attackers to capture and decrypt some wireless packets. The flaw breaks encryption on the wireless layer has nothing to do with TLS encryption that still secures your network traffic with sites using HTTPS.

    The best way to act up against this is by first learning what Kr00k will restrict us with.

    In a nutshell, attack merely degrades and leads you a step towards closer to opening a Wi-Fi network. This allows attackers to access sensitive information using a vulnerable device as their prop. This totally depends on the lack of the next layer of network traffic encryption (visiting non-HTTPS websites).

    The attack is dependent on the fact when all of a sudden a device gets disconnected from the wireless network, this result in the Wi-Fi chip clearing the session key in the memory and sets it to zero, but the chip inadvertently transmits all data frames are left in the buffer with an all-zero encryption key even after the disassociation.

    This is why a hacker is proximity to a vulnerable device that allows them to use flaws for repeatedly triggering disassociations by sending de-authentication packets in a wireless form to capture more data frames, this potentially contains sensitive data, including DNS, ARP, ICMP, HTTP, TCP, and TLS packets.

    The flaw also affects chips embedded in many wireless routers, this also allows the attackers in decrypt network traffic transmitted from connected devices that are not vulnerable to Kr00k, either patched or using different Wi-Fi chips.

    This issue of both affected chip manufacturers, Broadcom and Cypress were raised by ESET researchers in 2019 as well. Even many affected device manufacturers who are responsible for developing a patch to mitigate the problem via software or firmware updates for their users. This has resulted in, Apple, to release patches for its users, some should have issued advisory or security patches at the time of publication, and other vendors are still testing the issue against their devices.

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    Tags : cyber attacks, hacking, hack, ethical hacking, tech , tech news, cyber attack news

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