    Quit Facebook Recommends Stephen King
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    Quit Facebook Recommends Stephen King

    Shubham Mehta | Feb 19, 2020 | 641 Views | 0 Comments
    Quit Facebook Recommends Stephen King

    Famous for his horror fictions Stephen King recently announce quitting Facebook. He tweeting addressing the issue wherein he declared that he would be getting off the social media all because of there’s a massive bombardment of false information on these platforms. He further said that Facebook is no longer capable to protect its users" privacy.

    It isn"t surprising that social media platforms like Facebook are getting criticized. Facebook has also been in the headlines during the political adverts and King"s announcement will soon corner Facebook away. If you look at the facebooks statistics you"d know that even the pop singer Cher, Starwars actor Mark Hamill, actor Will Ferrell and wealthy businessman Elon Musk and many more celebrities have gone off Facebook and King has been another name on the list.

    #DeleteFacebook has continued to gain pace sine celebrities aren"t the only people who have quit Facebook the figures have further shown that Facebook has very less active users so in case you are somebody who still is on Facebook you are anyways an inactive user.

    Reson triggering Stephen King to get off Facebook

    Facebook Scandals still continues to grow ever since the Cambridge Analytica revelations had occurred in 2018. Facebook has furthermore been a subject to several data breaches in the last 2 years. In 2019 Facebook’s Messenger voice to text functionality had given users another reason to delete their accounts where it was found that contractors were listening to recordings.

    Facebook Messenger has proven to be an unsecured communicating tool because it lacks the end to end encryption. However, now Facebook is integrating its back end with WhatsApp but those plans appear to definitely get delayed. Users" privacy was violated to such an extent that Facebook had to pay $550 million where Facebook’s use of facial recognition technology had malfunctioned.

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    Tags : tech news , facebook news, quit facebook, tech, latest news

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