    Scope of CISA Certification Training in 2021
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    Scope of CISA Certification Training in 2021

    Shubham Mehta | May 23, 2020 | 2854 Views | 0 Comments
    Scope of CISA Certification Training in 2021

    Recent statistics report has revealed that cyber attackers act every 40 seconds. In fact, if you look at the cybersecurity industry a bit closer, you will identify that in the recent attacks the retail and technology industry was the target. At least 95% of the recent attacks were on the retail and technology industry along with the government bodies across the globe. Thus, with factors such as play it can be said that cybersecurity is not strong enough to contain such attacks. Thus, no industry is safe.

    In fact, as per Juniper Research, it is expected that by 2021 the average cost of a data breach will go beyond US$150 Million. Cyberattacks have overshadowed so much that 75% of the healthcare sector has been infected by malware since last year only. Considering all such factors there are many professionals working in the information security who are taking CISA certification training. By the end of this blog, you will be able to identify what is CISA certification for, and the scope of CISA certification.

    Offered by ISACA, CISA certification is a globally recognized certification that focuses on audit, control, and security of information systems. Where a certified CISA is supposed to audit, control, and security. CISA holders have the knowledge, technical skills, and proficiency to meet the dynamic challenges.

    CISA certification course enhances one"s abilities and hones their skillset in the information system while they are practicing and auditing in the industry. CISA isn’t only for IT auditors. CISA certification can get you plenty of job opportunities in IT. Professionals certified in CISA have a significant advantage.

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    CISA is quite a beneficial certification. Besides working on audits professionals taking this certification even can work in various roles like IS analyst, IT project manager, IT security officer, Network operation security engineer, Cybersecurity professional, etc. Thus, on average a CISA certified professional tends to make an annual average salary ranging from $74,250 to $103,500.

    Here are some reasons why should somebody take up CISA certification training :-

    • Continuous growth in the IT industry:

    Has led organizations to look for professionals who can satisfy a given niche. Organizations are looking for professionals who can satisfy a given niche for one simple reason that the demand for certified professionals is quite high. And professionals who have taken-up CISA certification would have many organizations approaching them for the job.

    • Allows you to be at the forefront:

    Professionals who are taking up or who have already have taken-up CISA certification training allows them to work o various IT parameters in the long run. The information system is one of the most dynamic aspects of today"s business world. Where being able to crack your CISA certification will prove to the employers that these professionals can deal with challenges in the best way possible.

    • Generates you a better salary:

    Professionals who have been able to crack their CISA certification makes a good annual salary. In fact, surgent in one of their findings has shared that on average certified CISA makes an annual salary ranging from $74,250 to $103,500. This may vary based on the experience this individual has and the size of the organization he/she is working for.

    • Globally recognized:

    Professionals who have cleared their CISA certification training are accepted across the globe. In fact, CISA certification holds a global value. Thus, there are various professionals who have taken their certification in one country and are working in some other country altogether.

    • Vast growth opportunities:

    CISA is one of the few certifications that allows professionals to work in various roles. Also with the constant growth in the IT industry roles like IT auditing has also been on the rise. Thus, once someone has cleared their CISA certification training it tends to open various professional gates for them.

    With factors like such running the entire industry, it is imperative that professionals who take up a CISA certification must enroll with a training center that has taken these factors seriously themselves. This is why we at Mercury solutions have curated a training module for CISA keeping ISACA’s guideline intact along with the professional trainers. These are those professionals who have been training in CISA for more than 5 years.

    In fact, we also have some trainers who themselves are certified in CISA, this has helped us in curating an appropriate training module keeping all factors alright.

    Here are some of the key features in our training that have added value to our CISA certification training :-


    • Experienced trainers: We at Mercury Solutions know how important is CISA certification training is for professionals appearing for CISA certification. That’s why we have brought those trainers on board who have at least 5 years of experience training professionals for CISA certification.

    • Trainers Interactions: If you compare Mercury Solutions with any other CISA certification training, you will identify that we are the training providers who allow you to interact with the trainer. This is because we know how important it is for you to learn the CISA concepts under the guidance of a mentor.

    • Dashboard access: It is an important feature of our training. You will find exclusive reference material, webinars, and recordings of the sessions here. In our CISA certification training we will share with you the recordings of your training in 24 hours once the training has happened. This is the highlight of our CISA certification training that lets you revise the subject matter and feel more confident with it. In case, you have a new set of doubts you can reach out to the trainer from your dashboard, however, if they are not available you can also get those doubts resolved in the next training session.

    • Reference material: In our CISA certification training you will be given a lot of reference material that is made available to you on the Dashboard. This would typically have practice books and live examples available in the industry.

    • Exam simulator: The training at Mercury Solutions is programmed in a way that in the final stage you will be allotted a set of mock tests. These Mock tests are the exact copy of the kind of questions you will be asked during your CISA certification training. Therefore, these mock tests will help in boosting your confidence, however, it also would help see how prepared you are where your weaknesses would also be highlighted.

    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
    Tags : cisa, cisa certification, cisa training, cisa course, cisa course in india, cisa course details, cisa certification training

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