    Top 5 Steps to Get PMP Certification [updated]
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    Top 5 Steps to Get PMP Certification [updated]

    Devarpita Pathak | Nov 19, 2018 | 9212 Views | 0 Comments
    Top 5 Steps to Get PMP Certification [updated]

    Are you aspired to become one of the top-rated project management people in your organization? And ambitious enough to get what you want from your career. Well! The right way to proceed is to attain PMP certification now and prove your mettle in your project management.

    We all know that to become an expert Project Manager we need to become a PMP certified professional. PMP is one the globally recognized, much needed and sought-after credential in project management. Designed and developed by the Project Management Institute.

    Now the question arises is how to get PMP certification in the best and well-managed way possible.

    Let us find effective 5 steps to attain PMP certification and become one of the best project managers:


    Step 1: Read the Project Management Professional Handbook thoroughly.

    The Project Management Institute (PMI) has published a ‘Handbook’ with credentials. This handbook explains all the information that is required to know before anyone embark upon the journey of taking PMP exam and become PMI certified Project Manager.

    pmp handbook

    Step 2: Check your eligibility to become a PMI Certified Project Manager.

    It is recommended to always find out whether you are eligible or not to take PMP exam. So, you have a diploma, degree or the global equivalent of these. So, your 5 years (60 months) of non-overlapping, unique, professional project management experience of 7500 hrs is met.

    If you have a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent then you have a requirement of 3 years (36 months) of unique, non-overlapping professionals project management experience of leading for at least 4500 hrs id also met.

    However, you also must show the 35 contact hours of project management training.

    eligibility requirement

    Step 3: Become a member of PMI & local PMI Chapter.

    It makes a financial relevancy as PMI member will receive a free PDF a version of Guide to the PMBOK Guide and receive a substantial discount on PMP Exam. And the most important thing is that the discount is bigger than the membership fee. So, even if you don’t want to be a member forever, still it is a right more to become the member for the first year.

    Also, becoming a member of your local chapter make you eligible to get offers on PMP Prep workshops and you receive discounts and resources for PMP information.

    You get a chance to attend to in-person discussions and dinner meeting and mingle with seasoned PMPs. It’s like a study group and it is more fun and increases your chances of passing.

    benefits of pmi

    Step 4: Sign-up for the PMP Exam

    It is always better to have a deadline. So, if you want to become a PMP it is good to be specific about the date, like - I have a PMP exam in 3 months.

    Begin by visiting to register.

    Fill in your online PMP Credential Application and submit it to PMI for approval.

    Then you get a Confirmation number. This way you are scheduled to take the exam on the Prometric Website -

    pmp exam prep training

    Step 5: Reading the PMBOK Guide…Twice.

    The Guide – PMBOK needed to be used as the primary reference used on the PMP Exam. It has been observed by many trainers that correct answer for 75% of the questions asked in the exam is found in PMBOK Guide.

    It is best if you could go through it at least twice.

    pmbok guide

    Everything boils down to have a plan in place, read thoroughly, manage well, take workshops and webinars and keep a track of your score as you move forward with your preparation.

    Ass you start noticing correct answers to your questions up to 85 percent and realize where you are. You can then be regarded as ready to take the exam. All the best!!

    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
    Tags : pmp certification, pmp certified professionals,

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