    Top 5 re:Invent/ Launches In AWS of 2021
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    Top 5 re:Invent/ Launches In AWS of 2021

    Shubham Mehta | Jan 13, 2020 | 1101 Views | 0 Comments
    Top 5 re:Invent/ Launches In AWS of 2021

    Update is something that is meant to happen no matter where you are what you do an update for that will always follow. Keeping into account of countless updates in AWS it has become the leading cloud computing provider of the industry with a market share of 32%. Tracking the constant growth of AWS in the industry share and updates within the AWS as a provider a lot of professionals have gotten fascinated and are motivated in taking up AWS Certifications.

    Perhaps Professionals taking up AWS should never forget that their learnings ends here. This is why have got you some of the best AWS updates in its technology that you might have missed out on keeping account for in 2019. Re: Invent that was conducted in Las-Vegas which happened from November 30th to December 04.

    Re:Invent (jam-packed conference has demonstrated new interventions in cloud technology) unleashed some of the most convincing and revolutionizing upgrades in AWS.That has made a lot of people curious since these technologies aim at making AWS as a better cloud provider that is high on quality. This includes the launch of Amazon Bracket, AWS Wavelength, AWS DeepComposer, Amplify and EC2 Image Builder. Let’s know what is making them special in detail:-

    1.Amazon Bracket Through Quantum Computing: Quantum computer typically is any computational device using Quantum mechanical phenomena for entangling and superpositioning of the data that can enable data utilization for better results and performance. Since most of the professionals and experts don’t know much about Quantum Computing, here"s a fun fact: a regular laptop/ computer would have data and information stored on it is called bits which in the quantum computer is stored is caller qubits (quantum bits).

    Since most of the professionals and experts don’t know much about Quantum Computing, here"s a fun fact: a regular laptop/ computer would have data and information stored on it is called bits which in the quantum computer is stored is caller qubits (quantum bits).

    Now Amazon Bracket as a service eases out the work of the researchers, scientists and developers to build, test and run the quantum computing algorithms. Amazon Bracket enables you to choose from the available algorithms. It also facilitates the users with stimulation service that will be helping them during the troubleshoot for verifying and implementing the changes made by the users on an algorithm. Once the user is ready they can choose their algorithm on a real quantum computer form one of Amazon"s hardware (D-Wave, IonQ, and Rigetti, etc).

    2.AWS Wavelength for 5G: AWS Wavelength consists of single-digit millisecond and high bandwidth on the 5 G networks that connects one"s AWS Compute and storage services. This entirely enables developers to build new types of applications. In other words, a new technology, the one especially in cloud technology, is baseless without high speed because this defines the speed of transmitting the data. Hence, just how fast we expect 5G to be transmitting the data on AWS should happen should be taken into consideration. Qualcomm with 5G helps in achieving users to download and browse the matter in a better manner. This will also enable devices to use the internet at the very same time. This will also equip AWS Wavelength to handle thousands of devices at the same time simultaneously, without experiencing congestion which wasn"t in control previously on a system using a wireless network.

    While AWS is operating at this speed consideration of the Latency Speed is extremely important, because it is optimized to process a high volume of data with minimum delay (Latency). Businesses in need of real-time access along with making changes in the data at a rapid speed should consider this. Thus, AWS Wavelength enables AWS services to stay on the end of the 5G network, this allows its users in building the next generation of ultra-low latency apps with the help of same AWS Services, APIs and tools. This means you can use such factors to deploy your app to 5G to expand your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to a Wavelength Zone and then create AWS resources like Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

    3.AWS DeepCompose: AWS DeepComposer is a learning-enabled keyboard for developers which uses Artificial Intelligence for creating original songs and melodies. This also comprises some tutorials, sample codes to program a song in case if you are doing this for the first time all this will act like training for you which eventually can help you in getting started to build generative models without even having to write any code for it. AWS DeepComposer also allows the users in learning Generative AI, this is one of the biggest advancement and the best utilization of the AI till date. Generative AI and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) techniques put different and neutral networks against each other that enables you to produce original and new digital work depending upon the sample inputs. AWS DeepComposer has GAN models not only creates original music for you but it also equips you with the ability to code optimally and create music.

    4.Amplify that’s iOS and Android devs ready: Amplify aims at easing out developers’ work while deploying Full-Stack apps to leverage the cloud. It is a service that bridges the gap between the Front and the Back-End development. However, Amplify now offers SDKs and libraries for iOS & Android devs sound even more inclusive and exciting. Amplify Framework (open source project for building cloud-enabled mobile and web apps) is now geared up for iOS & Android developers. Amplify iOS & Amplify Android libraries to build and scale secured cloud-powered with serverless apps. This means Developers can now add DataStore, AI/ML, Analytics, API (GraphQL and REST), and Storage in their mobile apps with these new iOS & Android amplify libraries.

    This includes supporting parameters for Predicting category in Amplify iOS, which allows developers to easily configure & add AI/ML use cases with very few lines of code. This allows developers in accomplishing use case of image recognition, text translation, speech to text generation, text to speech, insights from text, etc. You can even hook this to services to like Amazon Textract, Amazon Translate, Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Polly, Amazon Comprehend, and Amazon Transcribe.

    5.EC2 Image Builder: Previously Virtual Machine images (VM images) felt too complex and time-consuming, the dev teams had to manually update the VMs or build automation scripts to maintain these VM Images. Now Amazon Image Builder service simplifies this process by allowing you to create OS images via an AWS GUI environment. One can also build an automated pipeline customizing, testing and distributing images to keep them secured and up-to-date.

    Stay Tuned and know more about AWS only with Mercury Solutions.

    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
    Tags : top 5 updates, latest update for aws, top 5 reinvent launches in aws, cloud computing, aws training, aws certification, amazone web services, top 5 features for aws

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