    TOP 9 IT Courses In Demand - 2024
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    TOP 9 IT Courses In Demand - 2024

    Shubham Mehta | Dec 16, 2019 | 10916 Views | 0 Comments
    TOP 9 IT Courses In Demand - 2024

    See the upcoming Training Dates for CISSP Training:

    Over the years, no matter what the industry is every other organization and every other person is looking for a way to become better and reach the top. This is only to stay ahead of the game from the competition then be that faced by the organizations or the professionals working in these organizations. For you to succeed on professional grounds it is imperative to perform flawlessly. In the battle against our own selves where the only thing that matters the most is staying top of the ladder to be the best. This is something that can be witnessed in the IT sector at a huge rate.

    If you look at the IT industry closely you’d find that this industry is at a constant transition. Where various reports have revealed that there’s a rise in the IT industry because of its internal elements like Cybersecurity, Cloud computing and Project Management have been in huge demand. This not only takes account of the industrial demand for such professionals but also includes the demand for Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing and Project Management courses amongst various professionals. This has been possible because of various reports shared by ISC², PMI, and many countless institutions that constantly work towards upgrading IT as an Industry.

    Keeping such facts in play there’s a massive demand amongst professionals for taking up cybersecurity courses. Before enrolling themself in such a course the first thing that they look for is the ‘Which are the best IT courses in the industry?’ This is something that both the organization and a professional prefer looking at since staying at the top is what the industry demands from any organization and their workforces to stay ahead of the game. In the industry, there are 3 major categories that include:-


    TOP 9 IT Courses In Demand - 2020 | Mercury Solutions

    In a recent report, it was found that across the globe there are only 32% of the organizations across the globe whose data is guarded well and off the hands of cyber-criminals. Individually in India, this figure is just 24% that reflects a huge demand for cybersecurity professionals in the industry. Furthermore, ISC² added on these facts where one of their researches declared that there is a need gap of 145% workforce in the industry at present. This means that the industry at present requires around 2.8 million professionals only for certified cybersecurity.

    In the race of becoming the best where professionals are looking for methods and courses that can help them to reach a step higher than their competition in cybersecurity. They can start with the following 5 courses that can help them get a step closer to their dreams. These courses are some of the best IT courses in India that include:-

    1. Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH Certification):

    TOP 9 IT Courses In Demand - 2020 | Mercury Solutions

    Believe it or not but hackers are one community that is highly innovative because they somehow find a way to break through your systems and exploit the information available on it. These tech-savvy people are always proactively looking for vulnerabilities on your systems. Since they are always finding ways to extract information from your systems without getting trapped. Hence, CEH professionals have to be extra cautious and this is why they use highly sophisticated equipment, skills, and techniques to spot the system vulnerabilities and filling these needful gaps. These professionals are such an integral part of an organization’s system that they are offered an average salary of $150 000. This is one of the few courses that professionals can take up after the 12th. It perhaps is the perfect course in IT if you are looking for IT courses online for beginners. In fact, CEH is one of the few IT courses that can be prepared using online platforms like Mercury Solutions.

    2. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP Certification):

    TOP 9 IT Courses In Demand - 2020 | Mercury Solutions

    CISSP Certification is one of the best IT courses that is an advanced-level certification for professionals serious about careers in information security. These professionals are decision-makers possessing expert knowledge and technical skills necessary to develop, guide and then manage security standards, policies and procedures within their organizations. The kind of knowledge they possess has helped them generate an annual salary of $119,184.

    3. Certified Information Security Manager (CISM Certification):

    TOP 9 IT Courses In Demand - 2020 | Mercury Solutions

    Is one of the best IT courses in cybersecurity. As CISM professional a professional operating in this area is responsible for managing, developing and overseeing Information Security Systems for developing best organizational security practices or enterprise-level applications. CISM professionals have experienced security professionals who have at least 5 years of industrial exposure in information security that enables them to teach fundamental risk assessment skills that are extremely needful for the privacy risk consultant. Their job and involvement in the system has led them to earn an average salary of $243,610.

    4. Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA Certification):

    TOP 9 IT Courses In Demand - 2020 | Mercury Solutions

    CISA Certification is one of the best IT courses that validates a professional with proven ability to identify, assess, evaluate, monitor and control the enterprise systems. Considering the increasing risks and vulnerabilities in the digital era, it has become necessary to employ professionals with proven knowledge and skillset to audit and control business systems. Where a CISA professional is entitled to perform general and application control reviews for complex and simple computer information this includes system development standards, system security, backup & disaster recovery, programming & communication controls. This is why a CISA gets an average salary of $122,326.

    5. Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI Certification):

    TOP 9 IT Courses In Demand - 2020 | Mercury Solutions

    CHFI Certification is one of the best IT courses that investigate cyberattacks from its root. Computer Hacking Forensic Investigation as a process is about detecting cyberattacks and properly extracting evidence to report the crime and auditing that can prevent future attacks. CHFI certification equips with the knowledge and skills required for uncovering and analyzing complex digital evidence in a forensically form. Hence, a CHFI professional is expected to ensure that they have investigated the matter on legal grounds and are admissible. This gives a certified CHFI professional the ability to ply their trade across a wide range of computing environments irrespective of what the technology that is. CHFI is one certification that is not just being required in the IT industry, today professionals having this certification are getting commissioned in the armed forces like the Military & Defenses, legal practice, in fact, such professionals are also demanded in the banking & insurance sector and in the cybersecurity firms. Keeping the kind of skills that they have these professionals are offered an average annual salary of $88,000.

    Cloud Computing

    Is the next big certification in the IT sector. Cloud Computing is one of the best IT courses in the IT Industry. If you look at the IT Industry closely you’d find that Cloud Computing is off late gaining a lot of popularity as far as the data management system is concerned within the organization.

    TOP 9 IT Courses In Demand - 2020 | Mercury Solutions

    Various IT heads working in giants like Adobe, have shared that cloud is the new companies data management system. Furthermore, the market has excepted cloud technology with an open heart this can be seen from the kind position cloud computing is at. In the final quarter of 2016, it was found that the adaptation of Cloud tech had changed the revenue figures of AWS and Azure where their revenue had grown by 93% & 47% respectively. In the next very year, it was declared that knowing Cloud tech was the hottest skill an IT professional could ever possess. In fact, at present there are a lot of organizations that are looking for such professionals and even the professionals are trying to get trained in cloud technology. There are majorly 3 courses in cloud computing that are highly in demand amongst professionals that are the following:-

    Both AWS Certification and Azure Certification holds a strong presence on anyone’s profile and even in the market depending upon the existing demand towards cloud technology. However, what an organization takes up as a cloud computing tool is completely dependent on their needs. If your organization requires a Platform As A Service (PaaS) cloud provider, in that case, Azure would be the right option for you. In other words what kind of cloud computing tool is this organization looking for. We know that cloud technology comprises of three kinds of clouds:-

    1. 1. Public Cloud: Consisting of SaaS services that are offered to users available over the virtual interface. SaaS services are commonly found in Microsoft Azure and AWS Saas.
    2. 2.Private Cloud: Are commonly used in MNCs where it builds and manages their own data on their private cloud this also is flexible, scalable and customizable that to transfer data and for asset security. This is found with providers like Amazon VPC (Amazon Virtual Private Cloud).
    3. 3.Hybrid cloud: is a combination of both private and public clouds. It equips organizations to take advantage of the public cloud whenever there is a need to migrate their workload. This includes cloud vendors like AWS, Microsoft Azure, VMware Clouds, etc.

    Hence, there are 3 major Cloud Computing courses available in the industry that is in high demand amongst both the organizations and professionals. This includes:-

    1. AWS Certification:

    TOP 9 IT Courses In Demand - 2020 | Mercury Solutions

    AWS Certification is one of the best IT courses that is a comprehensive and easy to use cloud computing platform by Amazon which offers scalable, easy-to-use, cost-effective, reliable, and flexible cloud computing solutions. As a cloud computing platform, AWS is a cloud computing platform that is developed with a combination of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.AWS includes a wide range of services like mobility, networking, databases, analytics, storage, development tools, enterprise applications, with a pay-as-you-go pricing model. With AWS certification, you unfold various opportunities and designations. Where, as a certified AWS a professional you are entitled to setting up, maintaining, and evolving the cloud infrastructure of web applications. AWS professionals are supposed to develop an understanding of core services by applying best practices regarding security and scalability. This is why an AWS professional make an annual average salary of $112,984.

    2. Azure Certification:

    TOP 9 IT Courses In Demand - 2020 | Mercury Solutions

    Azure Certification is one of the best IT courses that is a platform facilitating its clients with a space to develop and deploy software. This helps the clients to focus on application development instead of worrying about hardware and infrastructure. This even handles most of the operating systems, networking, It also takes care of most of the operating systems and servers issues. Hence, Microsoft. Azure can be described as a data management center that is used for building, deploying and managing the applications and provides services through a global network. The services provided by Microsoft Azure are PaaS and IaaS. With Azure certification, you unfold various opportunities and designation where you are entitled to work on technical architecture and lead implementation making sure that there"s a diverse spread of new technology is being enacted. This is why a certified Azure professional earns up to an average salary of $136,750.

    3. VMware Certification:

    TOP 9 IT Courses In Demand - 2020 | Mercury Solutions

    VMware Certification is one of the best IT courses where VMware typically provides comprehensive cloud management. This is a hybrid cloud environment that operates anything from traditional to container/ cloud-native workloads. vRealize in VMWare enhances the delivery speed of the IT Services with the usage of automation and predetermined policies that provides high levels of agility and flexibility for developers and lines of business while maintaining governance and control. The delivery of IT services through automation and pre-defined policies, providing. A Certified VMware professional is entitled to properly identify vSphere Architecture and Solutions, install, configure, upgrade & secure vCenter Server and VMware ESXi, configure vNetwork Standard and Distributed Switches, and identify and configure VLAN settings, vSS and vDS Policies. This why a VMware professional is entitled to an annual average salary of $103,739.

    Project management

    Is one of the best IT courses that also has contributed in the IT sector in reaching the position where it is at.

    TOP 9 IT Courses In Demand - 2020 | Mercury Solutions

    PMP certification is one certification that has lately witnessed a huge transition in the industry. If you look at the industry close you"ll find that there Project Management Professionals are in humongous demand by all the organizations operating in the industry. In recent, it was shared that by the end of 2020 there will be 15.7 million new job opportunities for project managers and the ones who are certified PMPs in the industry. This has only been possible because the industry is expected to grow by $6.1 trillion.

    Project Management Certification:

    PMP Certification (Project Management Professional) is a recognized certification that has the ability to accelerate your career and facilitate you with a competitive advantage. This is the most important and industry-wide recognized certification amongst project managers. As a certified Project Management Professional, you are entitled to coordinate, predict the shortcoming to fill in the gaps with the right decisions and complete the project within the demanded time and budgets. This is why a certified PMP gets an annual average salary of $111,000.

    TOP 9 IT Courses In Demand - 2020 | Mercury Solutions

    These are the top IT certification which has changed the dynamics of the IT sector and also has allowed various professionals operating in the Cloud, Cybersecurity. In the above blog, we have shared how the industry has evolved over the days where various elements of the market have changed the dynamics of the IT industry which has to lead to a high aspirational value amongst youngsters towards this industry. Know what is the fuel for your fire and join the certification that truly belongs to you and reach the skies you deserve.

    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
    Tags : IT Courses, IT Training, Ethical Hacking Course, best it courses, it courses in india, it courses list after 12th, it courses online for beginners, it course fees, professional it courses, information technology courses for beginners

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