    Create A Business Impact with These 7 Microsoft Certifications
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    Create A Business Impact with These 7 Microsoft Certifications

    Devarpita Pathak | May 18, 2018 | 1658 Views | 0 Comments
    Create A Business Impact with These 7 Microsoft Certifications

    The Organizational culture interplays with the change management when it thinks of digital transformation and technology adoption. In this lane, Microsoft technology plays an upper hand in several organizations.

    In accordance, the Microsoft firm has a lot of supporting tools for the app development, cloud platform, servers, and, etc., and copes with the evolving needs.

    As a job seeker, it is essential to keeppace with the new evolving trends by learning new skills to gain job marketability. The successful completion of any one or more of these 7 most in-demand Microsoft Certifications 2018 would pursue a better career-prospects.

    Have a quick rundown of the Top Microsoft Certifications listed below here and choose the best one that suits your career profile.

    Earning the Microsoft Certifications is the industry standard and carries worldwide recognition. As a known fact, Microsoft always moves on to the edge where the battle is fresh and new. Evidently, there would be no lock on a majority market share.

    The certified professionals often spend less time and rounds of the interview as they readily validate their skills. The other way round is also true, i.e., hiring managers are able to fill their positions quickly.

    Find the most appropriate Microsoft Certification that would suit your current work profile from the list here as a way forward. They are bound to keep you in pace with the trend, advance your career and indeed demonstrate an impact in the business.


    1. 1. Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert: Data Management and Analytics
    2. 2. Microsoft MCSE: Cloud platform and Infrastructure
    3. 3. Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer [MCSD]: App Builder
    4. 4. Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert [MCSE]: Server Infrastructure
    5. 5. Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate [MCSA]: Windows Server 2016
    6. 6. Microsoft Office 365: Enabling and Managing Office 365
    7. 7. Microsoft Exchange Server: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

    1 Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert: Data Management and Analytics

    The certification broadens your skill set in SQL administration, create enterprise-scale data solutions, and leverage business intelligence data on-premises and in cloud environments.  

    Earning the MCSE: Data Management and Analytics certification qualifies you for the positions like:

    • Database Analyst
    • Database Designer
    • Business Intelligence Analyst

    2 Microsoft MCSE: Cloud platform and Infrastructure:

    The certification helps you to run the modern data center as your expertise in systems and identity management, cloud technologies, storage, virtualization, and networking.

    Earning the MCSE: Cloud platform and Infrastructure qualifies you for the position like:

    • Cloud Administrator
    • Cloud Architect
    • Computer Support Specialist
    • Information Security Analyst

    3 Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer [MCSD]: App Builder

    The certification helps you to gain the skills necessary to create modern web and/or mobile applications and services.

    Earning an MCSD: App Builder certification qualifies you for the position

    • Application Developer

    4 Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert [MCSE]: Server Infrastructure

    The certification validates your skills for running the modern data center. In addition, you gain expertise in identity and systems management, networking, storage, and virtualization.

    Earning an MCSE: Server Infrastructure certification will position you as

    • Computer Support Specialist
    • Information Security Analyst

    5 Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate [MCSA]: Windows Server 2016

    The certification earns you mastery in Windows Server 2016 skills so that you will be able to reduce IT costs and deliver more business value.

    Earning an MCSA Windows Server 2016 certification will position you as

    • Network systems administrator
    • Computer Systems Administrator
    • Computer Network Specialist

    6 Microsoft Office 365: Enabling and Managing Office 365

    The certification course enables you with the skills required to set up an Office 365 tenant, sustain the Office 365 tenant and its users.

    Earning the Microsoft Office 365 Enabling and Managing Office 365 helps you to deploy, operate, and manage Office 365 in your organization.

    7 Microsoft Exchange Server: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016

    The certification helps you to design and configure components in the Exchange Server 2016 deployment. The components include compliance, discovery solutions, advanced security, and, more.

    Earning the Microsoft Exchange Server: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 positions you as the Exchange Server Administrator.

    Check the infographics below to know the steps to earn these Microsoft Certifications.

    top microsoft certifications


    Gaining any of this most-sought after Microsoft Certifications 2018 will help to reach the competitive edge in your career. You may find more details about these courses here.

    microsoft certifications in India
    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
    Tags : Top Microsoft Certifications, Top Microsoft Certifications in 2021

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