    [Infographics] VMware Certification Path 2021: Roadmap to Success
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    [Infographics] VMware Certification Path 2021: Roadmap to Success

    Devarpita Pathak | Dec 10, 2018 | 49733 Views | 2 Comments
    [Infographics] VMware Certification Path 2021:  Roadmap to Success

    Are you looking for the best VMware Certifications to skyrocket your career?

    Are You a Fresher who have no idea where to start? or A Professional who wants to know the next step?

    Then you have come to the right place.


    As you know, VMware offers a plethora of industry’s top certifications that can majorly help you to demonstrate and validate your proficiencies in the field of Information Technology.

    If you are planning to indulge yourself in one of the VMware training programs and is not too sure about where you should start from then here’s the VMware certification path for beginners and experienced professionals.

    This VMware roadmap will guide you through the different domains and courses to help you decide your career path at the same time.

    VMware Certification Path To Follow:

    There are four areas of VMware certifications, namely:  

    • Data Center Virtualization
    • Network Virtualization Certifications
    • Cloud Management and Automation
    • Desktop and Mobility

    vmware certification path for begginers

    You may select any of these areas of certification that you would want to explore and there on just follow the VMware Certification Path.


    1. Data Center Virtualization


    The first area of certification is Data Center Virtualization that can help you to validate your designing, installing, and managing skills in VMware vSphere environments.

    VMware Data Center Virtualization certifications are majorly intended to measure the level of skill managing, installing and designing VMware vSphere environments in a practical environment.

    Data Center Virtualization certifications vary at different levels, which are segregated as per a professional’s designation and experience. These levels are as the following –

    • Associate Level
    • Professional Level
    • Advanced Professional Level
    • Design Expert Level

    1.a Associate Level

    The first level is called the Associate Level, which is chiefly meant for Executives and Architects. It comprises the VCA6-DCV certification.

    The VMware Certified Associate 6 – Data Center Virtualization (VCA6-DCV) certification helps you to earn credibility when dealing with data center virtualization and business challenges under vSphere.

    You"ll be capable of stating the technical requirements for data center virtualization, differentiate and describe vSphere related technologies and products and moreover, you will be able to identify common use cases.

    1.b Professional Level

    Now, the second level is called the Professional Level which is chiefly meant for Engineers and Administrators. It comprises of the VCP6.5-DCV and VCP6-DCV certifications.

    The VMware Certified Professional 6.5 – Data Center Virtualization (VCP6.5-DCV) certification helps you to improve your integrity and it also adds value to your organization.

    It is an industry-recognized certification that validates your skills to manage, implement and troubleshoot a vSphere V6.5 infrastructure with the use of the best practices to provide a flexible and secure foundation to a business.

    Whereas on the other hand, the VMware Certified Professional 6 – Data Center Virtualization (VCP6-DCV) certification helps in Improving your credibility and in delivering business value to your organization.

    It is an industry-recognized and most renowned certification that validates your skills to troubleshoot and administer vSphere V6 infrastructures with the utilization of the best practices to provide a reliable virtualization platform for your company.

    1.c Advanced Professional Level

    The third level is called the Advanced Professional Level. It comprises the VCAP6-DCV Design certification, which is chiefly meant for Architects.  


    this level also comprises of the VCAP6-DCV Deploy certification which is chiefly meant for Engineers and Administrators.

    The VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6 – Data Center Virtualization (VCAP6-DCV) Design certification can help in validating your ability to design and integrate VMware V6 infrastructure solutions in a multicenter virtualized environment for the big organizations.

    This industry-recognized certification also advances your credibility amongst your colleagues and henceforth acts as proof of your skills to understand data center design methodologies and principles.

    And the VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6 – Data Center Virtualization (VCAP6-DCV) Deployment is an industry-recognized certification that helps you to validate your deployment and optimization skills in vSphere V6 infrastructures.

    It also acts as proof that you have the knowledge that is needed to deliver a sound virtualization platform for your organization.

    1.d Design Expert Level

    Forth is called as the Design Expert Level which is chiefly meant for Architects. It comprises the VCDX6-DCV certification.

    VMware Certified Design Expert 6 – Data Center Virtualization (VCDX6-DCV) certification helps you to prove that you can provide immense business value, as it gives validation to your knowledge in vSphere 6.x and acts as a proof that you are skilled at VMware enterprise deployments as a design architect.

    Notably, it is the peak level of VMware certification.

    Enroll for Upcoming Training Batch Dates:

    2. Network Virtualization Certifications

    The second area of certification is Network Virtualization that can help you to validate your implementing, managing and designing skills in a VMware NSX environment.  

    VMware Network Virtualization certifications are majorly intended to measure the level of skill designing, managing and implementing VMware NSX environments.

    Network Virtualization certifications vary at different levels, which are segregated as per a professional’s designation and experience. These levels are as the following –

    • Associate Level
    • Professional Level
    • Advanced Professional Level
    • Design Expert Level

    2.a Associate Level

    The first level is called the Associate Level which is chiefly meant for Executives and Architects. It comprises of the VCA6-NV certification.

    The VMware Certified Associate 6 –Network Virtualization (VCA6-NV) certification helps you to earn credibility when working on network virtualization, business challenges related to VMware NSX and similar networking technologies.

    You will also be able to acknowledge technical necessities for network virtualization, differentiate and describe VMware NSX technologies and components, identify common use cases and will know how they can be addressed.

    2.b Professional Level

    The second level is called the Professional Level which is chiefly meant for Engineers and Administrators. It comprises of the VCP6-NV certification.

    The VMware Certified Professional 6 – Network Virtualization (VCP6-NV) certification helps you to alter the economics of security and network operations for your organization.

    It also validates your capability to configure, install and administer NSX virtual networking implementations, irrespective of the fundamental physical architecture.  

    2.c Advanced Professional Level

    The third level is called the Advanced Professional Level which is chiefly meant for Engineers and Administrators. It comprises of the VCAP6-NV Deploy certification.  

    The VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6 – Network Virtualization (VCAP6-NV) Deployment certification can help in validating your deployment and optimization skills in VMware NSX environments.

    It also acts as a proof that you possess the knowledge which is required to deliver best practices to run a reliable virtualized network for your organization.

    2.d Design Expert Level

    Forth is called as the Design Expert Level which is chiefly meant for Architects. It comprises the VCDX-NV certification.

    VMware Certified Design Expert – Network Virtualization (VCDX-NV) is a new certification that will help you to validate your vSphere and NSX designing skills, and will also entitle you as one of the first Virtual Networking Solution Architect of the industry.


    3. Cloud Management and Automation

    The third area of certification is Cloud Management and Automation that can help to validate your skills to configure, install, and optimize public, private and hybrid clouds with the use of the VMware vRealize Suite.  

    VMware Cloud Management and Automation certifications are majorly intended to measure the level of skill configuring, installing, and optimizing VMware vRealize for your cloud solution.

    Cloud Management and Automation certifications vary at different levels, which are segregated as per a professional’s designation and experience. These levels are as the following –

    • Associate Level
    • Professional Level
    • Advanced Professional Level
    • Design Expert Level

    3.a Associate Level

    The first level is called the Associate Level which is chiefly meant for Executives and Architects. It comprises of the VCA6-CMA and VCA6-HC certifications.

    The VMware Certified Associate 6 – Cloud Management and Automation (VCA6-CMA) certification will help you to gain better reliability when deliberating cloud computing, the business challenges vCloud Suite is designed to address, and how deploying VMware Cloud solutions address these challenges.

    You will also be able to define cloud computing and apply Cloud Computing and VMware product mechanisms and features to help solve the efficiency, availability, elasticity, and management challenges of an on-premise cloud infrastructure.

    Whereas on the other hand, the VMware Certified Associate 6 – Hybrid Cloud (VCA6-HC) certification helps you to earn greater credibility when deliberating cloud services, the business challenges that vCloud Air and related technologies are designed to address, and how delivering a secure & dedicated hybrid cloud platform can address these challenges.

    You will also be able to describe technical requirements for public, private and hybrid cloud platforms, differentiate and define vCloud Air and related services and technologies and identify common use cases and how they can be addressed.

    3.b Professional Level

    Now the second level is called the Professional Level which is chiefly meant for Administrators and Engineers. It comprises of the VCP7-CMA and VCP6-CMA certification.  

    The VMware Certified Professional 7 – Cloud Management and Automation (VCP7-CMA) certification help you to validate your ability to configure, install, and administer a VMware vRealize environment that is used to automate key processes within your Data Center in a recurring and accessible mode that progresses to an efficient and enhanced productivity.

    Moreover, it also enables you to streamline and normalize the most complex day to day activities that will increase your reliability and value within the organization.

    On the other hand,

    VMware Certified Professional 6 – Cloud Management and Automation (VCP6-CMA) will help you to validate your ability to automate significant processes in the Data Center that carries vRealize Automation in a repeatable and accessible way needed to lead an efficient and better productivity.

    These skills are made to enable you to abridge and regulate the most complex day to day activities that a team performs to increase the value and credibility within the organization.

    3.c Advanced Professional Level

    The third level is called the Advanced Professional Level that comprises the VCAP6-CMA Design certification which is chiefly meant for Architects.

    Notably, this level also comprises of the VCAP6-CMA Deploy certification, which is chiefly meant for Engineers and Administrators.

    VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6 – Cloud Management and Automation (VCAP6-CMA) Design certification can help in validating your ability to design and assimilate the vRealize Automation solutions within the enterprise environments.

    Notably, it is a globally renowned certification that advances your credibility among your colleagues and acts as a proof that you possess a deep knowledge of the data center design principles and procedures.

    And the VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6 – Cloud Management and Automation (VCAP6-CMA) Deployment is an industry-recognized certification that can help in validating your knowledge to deploy and enhance data center environments using the tools that are provided by vRealize Automation.

    It also acts as a proof that you have the required skills to deliver best practices for offering an accessible and consistent virtualization platform to an organization.   

    3.d Design Expert Level

    Forth is called as the Design Expert Level which is chiefly meant for Architects. It comprises the VCDX-CMA certification.

    VMware Certified Design Expert – Cloud Management and Automation (VCDX-CMA) is the latest and highest level of certification offered by VMware that helps in validating your skills in VMware Solution, vSphere and Cloud Infrastructure design and implementation.   

    Moreover, it focuses on adding the VMware vCloud Suite by building the software-defined-data center and delivering Infrastructure-as-a-Service with comprehensive management and security.

    Notably, this certification will make a professional one of the first, world-renowned Cloud Architect of the industry.

    4. Desktop and Mobility

    The fourth area of certification is Desktop and Mobility that can help you to present your skills to install, configure, and maintain the virtual applications and desktops by using VMware Horizon.

    VMware Desktop and Mobility certifications are majorly intended to measure the level of skill designing, installing, and managing a VMware Horizon with View environment deployed on a VMware vSphere implementation.

    Desktop and Mobility certifications vary at different levels, which are segregated as per a professional’s designation and experience.

    These levels are as the following –

    • Associate Level
    • Professional Level
    • Advanced Professional Level
    • Design Expert Level

    4.a Associate Level

    The first level is called the Associate Level which is chiefly meant for Executives and Architects. It comprises of the VCA6-DTM certification.

    The VMware Certified Associate 6 – Desktop and Mobility (VCA6-DTM) certification helps you to earn reliability when considering desktop virtualization, the business challenges that Horizon with View and related desktop technologies are designed to address, and how virtualizing desktops and mobile devices with View addresses these challenges.

    You will also be able to define technical requirements for desktop virtualization, describe and differentiate Horizon with View and related products and technologies and identify common use cases and how they can be addressed.  

    4.b Professional Level

    Now the second level is called the Professional Level which is chiefly meant for Engineers and Administrators. It comprises of the VCP7-DTM and VCP6-DTM certification.  

    The VMware Certified Professional 7 – Desktop and Mobility (VCP7-DTM) is an industry leading certification that helps you to prove your skills in executing in-depth configuration and management of VMware Horizon 7 (with View) environments.

    It also acts as a proof that you can safely carry personalized virtual desktops, applications, and online services to your end users.

    Whereas on the other hand, the VMware Certified Professional 6 – Desktop and Mobility (VCP6-DTM) helps you to prove your skills in performing in-depth configuration and management of VMware Horizon 6 (with View) environments.

    Notably, this is an industry-leading certification that can act as a proof of your capability to safely carry tailored virtual desktops that meet corporate policy standards.

    4.c Advanced Professional Level

    The third level is called the Advanced Professional Level that comprises the VCAP6-DTM Design certification which is chiefly meant for Architects.

    Notably, this level also comprises of the VCAP6-DTM Deploy certification, which is chiefly meant for Engineers and Administrators.

    VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6 – Desktop and Mobility (VCAP6-DTM) Design certification can help in validating your skill to design and integrate large-scale VMware Horizon 6.X (with View) environments.

    It is a well-renowned certification in the industry that can also help in building your integrity amongst your colleagues and acts as a proof that you possess a deep understanding of desktop and mobility design principles and methods.

    And the VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6 – Desktop and Mobility (VCAP6-DTM) Deployment can help in validating that you possess the knowledge to deploy and optimize VMware Horizon 6 (with View) environments.

    Notably, it is a well-renowned certification of the industry that can act as a proof of your skills to deliver best practices for a scalable and steadfast Business Mobility platform of an organization.

    4.d Design Expert Level

    Forth is called as the Design Expert Level which is chiefly meant for Architects. It comprises the VCDX-DTM certification.

    VMware Certified Design Expert – Desktop and Mobility (VCDX-DTM) certification helps you to prove that you possess the skills in VMware Solution design and implementation.

    Notably, it is the highest level of certification offered by VMware that can also help in validating your vSphere and VMware Horizon Suite design skills and will designate you as one of the first Virtual Desktop and Mobile Computing Solution Architects of the industry.


    Numerous certifications, specializations, and levels make it difficult for you to fix your mind at one. If that’s what you think, then I must enlighten you with the fact that it’s not as tough as it looks.

    You may start with the Associate Level (VCA) certification and then move on to the higher and so on. Or else you may need to analyze your field of work or profession, your interest, your competencies and thereon, you can choose a level and take up it is training if you fulfill the requirements for the same.

    Keep going with this VMware Certification Path until you reach the highest level, that is Design Expert Level (VCDX).

    Now you would ask why?

    That is because VMware certifications add a lot of value to your skills and your professional life. It helps you to boost your career and to validate your competencies.

    These certifications also act as an official proof of your technical capabilities.

    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
    Tags : vmware certification path, vmware roadmap, vmware certification path for begginers, vmware certification roadmap, vmware certifications

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