    What does a Project Manager do in 2022
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    What does a Project Manager do in 2022

    Samarth Garg | Feb 16, 2022 | 1787 Views | 0 Comments
    What does a Project Manager do in 2022

    Covid has been raging for more than 2 years and you may be wondering what use it may be to indulge in a certification. But think again, the reality is that behind ensuring that the healthcare workers who were looking after you and those helping in giving the dead a dignified cremation/burial to the deceased to even overseeing how your masks and other biomedical waste gets disposed off, there has been a project manager silently ensuring that your hassles are minimized, and most places eliminated.

    Welcome to Project Manager Professional certification training, one of the 2700+ certifications in which you are trained by Mercury Solutions Limited’s dedicated trainers. This blog intends to talk about Project, Project Management, and why this is a must for your career. We shall also talk about the facts of the PMP certification course and the reasons for doing it from Mercury Solutions Limited. If some portions may sound elementary to the experienced, the intention also is to attract professionals to the Project Management and Management spaces. Revision is never bad and also a form of learning, they say. 

    First, what is a project? For a common person, a project is a temporary location or medium and sometimes long-term grouping of people for an objective. In a corporate context, it is a unique process conducted with a high degree of specificity. It has the following elements:

    Now the main topic for this blog, project management is essentially the application of knowledge, skills, processes, methods, techniques, learnings experiences, people, finances, techniques, intellectual property, and machinery for achieving the objectives of a project. 

    Project Management is primarily approached in these 3 types:

    • Waterfall- This approach’s method focuses on beginning one task after the current one has been completed. Task sequences and timelines are of utmost importance here.
    • Agile- Here many sub-tasks run concurrently and consequently, in case of a flaw, the whole project needn’t be started from scratch. 
    • Lean- This approach inspired by Japanese manufacturing practices is focused on judicious use of resources. 

    These are some of the most common methods that are used in Project Management. Who knows, you may pioneer an approach that we may be discussing in one of our future blogs.   

    Project Management Institute, headquartered in the United States of America is the certifying body of PMP certification courses. It defines itself as, “The leading body on project management.” Also, as per it, there are 90 million Project Management oriented employees in the world, 25M recruits are likely to be needed by 2030 of whom, 12M are expected to be required by expansion and 13M by retirements/fatal reasons. For those interested, an approximate million competent professionals are required, the Information Technology and Cybersecurity space. The opportunity for a project manager with career stagnation could be also doing a Certified Information Systems Manager certification, among others to unlock more challenging projects.  

    Now, for the facts about the course. As much as this is open to professionals across industries there is still a criterion for PMP certification course with the following entry points:



    There are exemptions if:

    • You have a Certified Associate in Project Management degree; 35 hours of contact hours of project management education is waived off. 
    • Alumni of a GAC degree program, receive 12 credit hours for the work experience needs.

    This test comprises 180 questions which you are required to ace in 230 minutes. 230 minutes comes close to 4 hours. 

    You are certain to enhance your knowledge, methods, and skills in the domains of:

    • People
    • Process
    • Business Environment

     These are some of the recommended sectors for those certified PMP certification training courses:  

    • Aerospace and Defense
    • Construction Industry
    • Consulting
    • eCommerce
    • Educational Development
    • Energy, Oil, Gas, and Petro-Chemicals
    • Financial Services 
    • Government
    • Healthcare
    • Human Resource Management
    • Information Systems
    • Information Technology 
    • Law
    • New Product Development
    • Sales and Marketing 
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Outsourcing
    • Telecom
    • Utilities 

    Below are some benefits of having someone PMP certification training course alumni: 

    • You have the latest knowledge, skills, and techniques in the sector available for use.  
    • Your organization can bank on outputs, outcomes, benefits, strategic objectives, structured processes, supporting processes, clearly defined roles, responsibilities, all to be taken care of by one individual. 
    • If you have a diversified business, you can expect these principles to be applied in those settings.

    Let me summarize for you the benefits of getting all those eligible for PMP certification training: 

    • More sensible planning
    • Better quality control
    • Harmonious communication
    • Increased productivity
    • Judicious resource allotment
    • Higher flexibility
    • Soared morale
    • Heightened customer satisfaction

    PMP certification training is an industry-neutral certification, so the designations post the accreditation are infinite. Some possible ones: 

    • Information Technology Managers
    • Project Managers
    • Team Leads
    • Project Associates
    • Project Analysts
    • Business Analysts
    • Project Coordinators
    • Associate Project Managers
    • Product Managers
    • Program Managers
    • Project Consultants
    • Software Developers

    To prepare for the exam, while our trainers are going to guide you extensively, you can be sure to refer to the Project Management Body of Knowledge book. Here’s why you should choose Mercury Solutions Limited:  

    • Thriving in the educational certification industry for more than 22 years
    • More than 10,60,000 hours of training were successfully delivered 
    • 40,000+ successful alumni
    • Recorded Classes
    • LMS access
    • Mock Tests
    • Study Material

    We are happy to pleasantly surprise some of our relatively new readers who knew us just as an Information Security and Cybersecurity training company. I hope that even if you don’t make the grade now, it"s reasonable for us to believe that you shall sign up as soon as you do or can refer someone who does already. In any case, it"s better to avail the advantage for PMP certification and transform an ordinary career into a distinctive one and strive for becoming a multi-certified professional.


    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
    Tags : pmpcertificationtraining, pmpcertificationcourse, projectmanagementprofessional

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