    How much do professionals earn across AWS and Azure certifications in 2023?
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    How much do professionals earn across AWS and Azure certifications in 2023?

    Samarth Garg | Jul 06, 2022 | 3390 Views | 0 Comments
    How much do professionals earn across AWS and Azure certifications in 2023?

    As per multiple reports, cybersecurity and indeed Cloud Computing are facing vacancies running close to 800, 000 across continents. It is to address this labor shortage that Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, 2 giants of the Cloud-Computing industry and one the most sought after employers of the world came up with certifications for their softwares which are used by millions across the world. 


    Designations are dynamic, and can vary in responsibilities and titles across organizations and territories. Salaries are subject to posts, respective company’s balance sheets, currency fluctuations and market conditions.


    The common thing is that both Microsoft and Amazon’s certifications are across 4 designations. More than 85 Azure’s accreditations are offered across Fundamentals, Associate, Expert, & Speciality tiers. AWS’ 11 authorizations are presented in Foundational, Associate, Professional & Speciality divisions. 


    Each of these credentials have their own criteria, and possibilities post them. I’m listing some of those and their average pays: 


    • Azure Cloud Architect- $168,000
    • Azure Administrators- $164,000
    • Virtualization Engineer- $134,000 
    • Storage Administrators- $100,000
    • Database Administrators- $99,000
    • Systems Administrators- $90,000

    I Want to know more about Microsoft Azure Courses?  

    Next, I come to AWS, their different posts and their median wages:


    • Manager, Cloud sales- $237,000
    • AWS DevOps Engineer- $172,000
    • Enterprise Architects- $152,000
    • AWS Administrator- $122,000
    • AWS Team Leads- $105,000 
    • Systems Integrator- $99,000
    • Network specialist- $73,000

    I Want to know more about Amazon AWS Certification Courses?  


    As you can perhaps make out, the more designations you go into, the more diversity you find. It"s wrong to think that one company’s certifications are going to pay you more than the other one. The better approach is to identify your skill set shortfall and look for the appropriate accreditation to bridge that.


    Then, these averages would be immaterial.

    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
    Tags : aws certification, azure certification

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