    Why Azure Cloud Certification is a Top Career Choice in 2021
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    Why Azure Cloud Certification is a Top Career Choice in 2021

    Divya Khare | Jul 06, 2020 | 1773 Views | 0 Comments
    Why Azure Cloud Certification is a Top Career Choice in 2021

    In simple terms, cloud computing is the term given to the computing services that include delivery of on-demand services like storage, databases, software, networking, from storage to processing, and much more. India has remarkably adopted this technology in various sizes of businesses. According to a report by Forbes in 2016-2017, the cloud service market has seen an exponential growth that reached $1.8 billion in a year from $1.3 billion.

    A major benefit of cloud computing is that using this, small businesses do not need to buy any extra server for accessing a number of powerful software and applications. They can use these platforms and infrastructures regardless of their locations without having to buy the server.

    What is Microsoft Azure?

    Azure is Microsoft’s absolute assortment of cloud-based options to any physical hardware services. Microsoft’s data centers are solely responsible to manage and create apps that enable cloud computing. There are heaps of tools available within the platform that can be used to accelerate your IT conduct drastically.

    The announcement for Microsoft Azure was made in 2008 though it was generally available from the 1st of February 2010. It has been almost 10 years since Azure is officially launched. Ever since its existence, Azure cloud certification is the fastest growing business section for Microsoft and is expected to overtake Windows in terms of revenue. The cloud-based services that replace physical hardware are called IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). In addition to this Microsoft Azure covers a full range of services that include Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). These options allow your organization to access all cloud-based services without having the need to manage the servers. Moreover, Azure certification is astonishingly flexible as it gives you the freedom to use multiple languages, tools, and frameworks to customize the applications that you require. Being a good platform it also allows you to scale up the applications with unlimited storage.

    Azure cloud services are user-friendly, easy to understand, and helpful technology. It is a collection of services that can help your company grow faster and function anywhere in a cost-effective manner. For IT professionals acquiring an azure cloud certification is a plus to elevate your career.
    Fast track your career with Azure Certification now!

    Overview of the working of Microsoft Azure

    Azure helps you leverage the latest container-based development practices. You can easily migrate your .NET applications to Microservices using Windows Server containers with Microsoft Azure.

    Inclusive of more than 600 cloud services and supporting a range of operating systems, databases, and developer tools Microsoft Azure course allows you to work with the best public cloud platform.


    Reasons to take up Azure cloud certification


    Microsoft is the leading provider of cloud computing like cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and also a Platform as a service (PaaS). All the solutions are sold under the same umbrella. Microsoft Azure allows you to build and manage apps more efficiently without having to buy the infrastructure.

    Microsoft is estimated to be the second-largest IaaS and PaaS service provider having the additional advantage of being fully integrated with all Microsoft products. If you already have a Microsoft infrastructure, Azure can perfectly complement your existing software and applications. At the cutting edge technology, Azure is the most preferred solution for enterprises looking to grow and ahead in the race.

    Benefits of Azure Certification

    • Leading the way with IaaS and PaaS: Azure cloud certification offers swift deployments. The hybrid cloud environment gives freedom to the companies to select the way they want to get operated and utilized.

    • Analytics Support: With the built-in support to analyze data and gather insights Azure can manage SQL services, Machine learning, stream, and Cortona analytics. Thus, you can make better business decisions.

    • Compliance: The data that is stored on the cloud platform is in compliance with the regulations which are important for financial sectors. The entire platform is designed around security and privacy demands.

    • Apps Management: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) profits the enterprise to build, deploy, and manage apps in a much easier way. Having customized cloud software the organizations can launch a website or create an application.

    • Storage: Azure aids for speedy delivery, optimal user experience, sufficient data storage which can be shared across the virtual machines as and when required.

    • Disaster Recovery: These days remaining online for a stretched timing is very common, which in turn brings in many other problems like user’s trust. Azure has fantastic data recovery capabilities like regional/global failover options, rolling reboots, and the hot/cold standby modes. All these modes give a stronghold against the disasters.

    • Agility: Microsoft Azure is fast in terms of scalability, deployment, and operation. In this growing industry, this is a competitive advantage for the companies to adopt Azure, being the most up to date cloud technology.

    • Unified Delivery Plan: Azure is a one-stop solution to all your cloud-related problems. All the tools for source control, unit testing, delivery, go live and other testing tools are all present under one roof. This diminishes the fear of integration and continuity.

    • Flexibility: With Azure, you get the option of functionality as required. You can pay as per your consumption, switch to Azure, and accommodate the business variations with no worries about the infrastructure.

    • Industry-specific application: Keeping in mind the high-risk and sensitive nature of certain industries, Azure has designed applications that are industry-specific to address the unique needs. Health care, Government, manufacturing, and financial services achieve great benefits from the super reliable features of Azure which include offline cloud services, simplified compliance, modernized customer apps, and individualized security needs.

    • Security: The data on Microsoft Azure is protected by the spy-movie environment. All the data centers are equipped with two-tier authentication , proxy card readers, global incident response team, and biometric readers.

    • Azure complements your IT infrastructure: It allows your IT personnel to keep a close eye on the business without worrying about in-house capabilities. The platform makes it easy to deploy your current apps with very little downtime. The learning curve gets reduced by the integrated development environment. Apart from the other big advantage, Azure has a footprint in more countries than Google or Amazon, providing faster delivery of content.

    • AWS vs Azure

      Microsoft Azure course is 4-12% cheaper than AWS, offering many other properties which it is far better than AWS. It has made many advancements over the past few years. Here is some insight into why Azure is better than AWS.

      1. Stronger and faster PaaS capabilities: Nowadays, PaaS is an important part of cloud infrastructure. Azure’s PaaS provides application developers with tools that are building blocks to establish new cloud services. The essential dev Ops connections provided by Azure certification are important to monitor and manage apps.

      2. Integrated Environment for testing: Azure brings an array of integrated environments for developing, resting, and deploying the cloud apps. The client gets the flexibility of open languages with Azure migration.

      3. Developer tools: In this case, Azure and AWS follow a slightly different approach. The AWS suite of developer tools mainly focuses on DevOps whereas Azure cloud certification provides IoT Suite that provides solutions for predictive maintenance and remote monitoring.

      4. Security: The latest design of Azure is completely based on Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) which is the industry’s most important assurance making process.

      5. Career Path of Azure Certification

        Microsoft Azure is the leader in the cloud services provider in the market under IaaS and PaaS. There are a number of Azure services available for different sizes of business. As per the current market scenario, there are a number of positions in demand after completion of the Microsoft Azure course.

        Fundamental level
        • Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals
        Associate Level
        • Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator associate
        • Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate
        Expert level
        • Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert
        • Microsoft Certified: Azure DevOps Engineer Expert

        We at Mercury Solutions help you plan your complete career in Microsoft Azure. Being the best IT training platform, we have partnered with the most experienced IT trainers with a commendable response from the students worldwide. We strive to provide all the up to date resources with high-end virtual classrooms. The journey from enrolling yourself in passing the exam and acquiring the certificate is made easy and smooth.

        The services under Azure are a supplement to your on-premise infrastructure. However, it also delivers a vast range of other services to help you guide through the improvisation of the functionality of several departments.

        Enroll for Microsoft Azure Certification now!

    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
    Tags : benefits of azure, azure cloud certification, why azure certification is a top career choice, Microsoft Azure, Azure Certification, Azure training, Azure course, AZ-103, AZ- 104, AZ-303

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