    [7 Reasons]- Why PMP is Important for Project Manager?
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    [7 Reasons]- Why PMP is Important for Project Manager?

    Devarpita Pathak | Mar 28, 2018 | 6956 Views | 1 Comments
    [7 Reasons]- Why PMP is Important for Project Manager?

    The debate regarding the PMP certification and experience is a continuous saga among the IT professionals and the recruiters as well.

    Is it because they can reduce the failure rates? Or does it create a better professional? 

    Let us investigate the reason[s] behind earning this certification.

    It’s a well-known fact that today’s job market is competitive. At this juncture, tagging your resume with certifications indeed works well when the piled up job applications are being scrutinized. Your paper may not get decluttered unnoticed.  


    Earning a certification depicts one’s professional commitment, specified knowledge levels, and acknowledgment of required technical expertise. 

    This situation is almost same and relates to every job. If we become more transparent in regards to the Project Management Professional [PMP] certification, it is acknowledged that the PMP training delivers in-depth knowledge to handle the projects in an organized and systematic manner.

    And, the Project Management Institute [PMI], the parent organization is continuously engaged with the academia and enterprises as well so as to keep the certification relevant as per the changing demands.  

    To add on to the merits, as per the PMI’s ‘Project Management Salary Survey 9th Edition’, the PMP credential holders earn 20-22% higher salary than their non-certified peer group.

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    The certification is globally recognized as the professionals are able to adapt themselves to market segments, varied industries irrespective of geographical locations.

    With this brief note about PMP, let us deep dive and understand the essence of earning Project Management Professional certification.

    Though it seems to be a big investment of time and money, it carries a prestige of high level in the community. If you aspire to become a project manager or even you have the experience of working as a project manager, a certification is essential. It is recommended to earn the certification for it is beneficial in the long-term basis.

    A few of the best reasons to gain PMP certification include:

    1. It exposes you to the current standards of project management, best practices, techniques, and the trends. It stands as an ideal goal as you can bet for PM postings across varied professional fields namely the Business processing, commerce, research, and, more.

    2. It enables you to show better performance as you are exposed to new technologies and tricks that would assist you in managing the projects. The set standards for the PMP exam are higher as compared to other projects which will help you with an actionable set of best practices.

    3. It has become the must-have credential today. Most of the hiring companies are engaged in appointing the certified PMs alone for their firm. The firms have realized the significance of certification as it helps to win the business.

    4. It highlights your personal drive to stay abreast of the knowledge, credentials, and, skills. Thus, it helps you to stand out in the competitive job market. Moreover, you can host a party with your friends for being a star in the group.

    5. It confirms that you comprehend the global language of project management. It readily connects you to the professionals, organizations, and community across the world. A great network potential helps to move on the career ladder at a faster rate.

    6. Another important benefit is you become the game changer. You have the choice to join a firm as you are competent enough to gain multiple opportunities. And you may evaluate the team members for a particular assignment and create a forward-thinking team.

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    7. It will make you love the profession as you get more challenging opportunities. As PMP demands experience to get through the exam, it readily validates your PMP skills and opens the door for accepting more challenging projects.

    Moving further, the statistics of project management in the recent years clearly indicates the impressive role led by project managers. To mention a few, they are:

    It is confirmed that the 80 percent of the high-performing projects are led by a certified project manager.

    And 77% of the high performing companies understand the value of project management as against 40% of the low-performing companies.

    “The 2019 Pulse of the Profession®, a global survey conducted by Project Management Institute (PMI), reveals that around $1 million is wasted every 20 seconds across the globe owing to poor project management practices and ineffective implementation of business strategy.

    The details are as follows:

    • China reported the lowest average monetary waste on projects (7.6 percent or $76 million per $1 billion)
    • Canada (7.7 percent or $77 million per $1 billion)
    • India (8.1 percent or $81 million per $1 billion).
    • Australia reported the highest average waste on project spending at 13.9 percent or $139 million per $1 billion.

    *Figures are U.S. dollar amounts but represent a percentage that applies to any currency.”

    These survey clearly indicates that implementation of an effective project management strategy is crucial to witness success in businesses.

    Furthermore, it is noted that the champion organizations complete 80% or above of the projects on time, the budget, and are meeting the business intent. And are continuing so.

    In this era of shifting competitive pressures and disruption in business technology, the top 3 project drivers are

    • Investment in actively engaged executive stakeholders
    • Value delivery capabilities
    • Avoidance of uncontrolled changes to the scope of a project

    It is necessary to ensure that the projects stay on track, meet the set budgets and goals. And the role of project manager gains the upper hand here.

    If you want to be the participant of these winning organization[s], enjoy the business outcomes, then you must earn the PMP certification so as to start the success with the right approach and support project delivery.

    And, mention not to stay, if you are planning to take up the next PMP course in your city, note that the exam pattern has got changed i.e., effective from 26th March 2018. It would be as per the new -PMBOK 6th Edition guidelines.

    Get prepared yourself to stay ahead in the competitive job market and be a part of the team of the winning organization.


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    Tags : pmp certification benefits, PMP Certification cost, PMP Exam Questions, PMP Certification online, PMP Course, pmp certification, Project management professional salary

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